- [kimashita] transcendent awkward arrival ♪
http://ameblo.jp/maitoneko/entry-10495375881.html Japan, sooner or later immigration country it probably will convert? 它大概将转换的日本,迟早移民国家?
- The eating out business advance to China, a liberal translation
http://ameblo.jp/lim-youngmi/entry-10516632931.html You think that Japan compared to the Chinese one, as for food service industry and the like the [gu] - it is with you can expect the extension, 您认为日本比较了到中国一个,作为为食品供应的产业等等[顾] -它是以您可能期待引伸,
- Japanese weblog
http://blog.livedoor.jp/miki00011/archives/51236249.html Either Japan is not the exception, on the other hand Japan means to rush quickly to less child aging society than other country, a liberal translation 任一日本比其他国家不是例外,在其他手日本手段迅速冲对较少儿童老化社会
- Japanese talking
http://hfm78837.at.webry.info/201001/article_4.html You can think Japan that it is accustomed to such country? 您能认为日本它习惯这样国家?
Population ageing, Reportage, Politics ,