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○■ Prime Minister Aso, can f ace the fact that it is tossed about in the Koizumi Takenaka treason group?
○■ I cannot support Hatoyama
○■ But, there was a populari ty in spite, as for Saigo not to open the school, the junior was not educated
○■ Inadequacy speech becomin g blowing out, it rises to picture top
○■ “Although the mobster y ou raise, the money”, Hatoyama 邦 the telephone from the actual mother the prime minister denial which is recognized
○■ “Today, as for the pers on who for the first time being raw, looks at Aso [tsura]? Obtaining [tsu], it was better than the television? Don't you think? the mother there is an eye which is seen, to [tsu] to [tsu] [tsu]”
○■ Whether “to be correct, or be wrong that, the Liberal Democratic Party just is supported with weir medulla reflection regardless of,”
○■ What is seen that the mot her who assumes that with the disguise donation problem which is related to the financial management group of Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama, fund it offered on prime minister side, to last year in 5 years, of the same amount as the prime minister offered 900,000,000 Yen total even on Hatoyama Kunio original general affairs phase side of the younger brother on the 2nd, understood in the story of the authorized personnel
○■ Kunio the Liberal Democra tic Party Hatoyama original general affairs phase submitted the secession report to the same party headquarters on the 15th, via the private secretary
○■ General affairs phase exp ressed the plan of the Japanese postal services in the 30th night that “you do not approve”, but we had decided to recognize plan by the fact that condition is acquired
○■ Secretary General Yukio O kada Katuya secondary representation and Hatoyama which are disputed with the Democratic party typical selection
○■ 2009 July 17th 12:32 Libe ral Democratic Party on the 17th, do not open the Assembly of the Members of both Houses of the Diet which former Secretary Generals Hidenao Nakagawa who aims toward president selection forward fall seek, morning of 21 days when the prime minister disperses the House of Representatives, do not have right to vote, the policy of opening “both institute Assemblyman forum” was announced
○■ Kunio giving recognizing financial offer, we have assumed that it entered into the procedure which supplies donation tax, but it became the prospect that declaration tax assessment expands 500,000,000 Yen or more
○■ (June 5th 17:52 NHK news k ties)
○■ Hatoyama Kunio general af fairs phase is, the grass beach directing, you spoke, “it is the lowest human”, it withdraws, “it is lowest worst behavior”, that you rephrased, it seems
○■ Prime Minister Yukio Hato yama “as a government came to the time when it decides the how to think”, that you stated on the 7th, but with the conference by the related Cabinet minister immediately after standardized opinion as a government was not settled, ahead sent conclusion
○■ The grass as for the [gi] , getting drunk, dispersing clothes, it seems that the place where it is in the park is arrested, but details does not understand
○■ (It continues) - - -
○■ The Liberal Democratic Pa rty reorganizes and, the party and the Hiranuma Isao new party of everyone (the prospect that it is formed before the House of Councillors selection) expects that it restarts
○■ Yosano 馨 representative , in the National Diet question Yukio thing Hatoyama tax evasion prime minister
○■ With the continuation thr owing problem of virtue sentence President the Japanese postal services Nishikawa, the inside of the Liberal Democratic Party shakes in the large shaking
○■ The Liberal Democratic Pa rty and the Democratic party, “ideal way of administration after the Lower House election” are plugged to [maniyuhuesuto] of the Lower House election, put out coalition government conception and trust of the citizen should be questioned
○■ On the 3rd of Hatoyama Ku nio general affairs phase which with the advance and retreat problem of virtue sentence President Nishikawa of the Japanese postal services shows disapproval in continuation throwing, exploded “oral attacking”
○■ As for the mother of Prim e Minister Hatoyama the fact that it has donated to also Kunio Hatoyama probably will be was detected
○■ The grass beach is also a mount perseveres!? “Area [dejika]” PR - msn product sutra news
○■ As next Minister of Justi ce of the Liberal Democratic Party, it means wanting variety advice,
○■ If Hatoyama Kunio general affairs phase besides the fact that “after scrutinizing report contents, has necessity, report is requested for the second time”, you said in interview of after the Cabinet conference, vis-a-vis the contractor “. We want verifying”, whether there is no claim, that it called
○■ As for Hatoyama Kunio gen eral affairs phase the grass which serves the character of terrestrial digital broadcast promotion concerning the arrest of the [gi], “only the lowest human you can think” that and so on large rage
○■ Hatoyama Kunio general af fairs phase (60) in interview of after the Cabinet conference of 5 days, the open [wa] it is and the [se] after the arresting with the suspicion, the grass of smap which stops the activity of the terrestrial digital broadcast spread propulsion character [gi] hardness (34) concerning, “(return) is not zero”, you said, suggested the possibility of re-going to the mound
○■ The mother of Prime Minis ter Hatoyama made a mistake in the education of the child