- 残るナゾ 辞任不可避の日本郵政西川社長
http://blog.livedoor.jp/blackjack0113/archives/65172075.html Virtue sentence President Nishikawa of the Japanese postal services (71) displacement became decisively
- ボロボロの郵政民営化に固執するということは?
http://henkaku-kisetu.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2009/06/post-e181.html The Hatoyama Kunio general affairs phase which refused the director reappointment of virtue sentence President Nishikawa of the Japanese postal services resigned 12 days
- 【日本郵政】この程度の人事案件すらまともに御し得ないアホウ政権は退陣すべきだ!【鳩山(弟)VS西川】
http://stamen.iza.ne.jp/blog/entry/1066820/ The [do] amateur group of such a postal business general affairs phase to be sharp those where it has been opposed is the continuation throwing problem of President Nishikawa, but it seems that problem finally direct bomb hit does [ahou] administration!
- 日本郵政社長続投問題、小泉と決別せよ!
http://68534664.at.webry.info/200906/article_15.html With the continuation throwing problem of virtue sentence President the Japanese postal services Nishikawa, the inside of the Liberal Democratic Party shakes in the large shaking
- ゆうパックとペリカン便の統合はどうなる?
http://labor43.blog35.fc2.com/blog-entry-153.html In plan of the Japanese postal services, compression of the deficit of annual 5,000,000,000 Yen scale “of inn business of the can [po]” was included
Hatoyama Kunio, Politics ,