- 「最低の人間」の正しい例
http://pspgame005.blog68.fc2.com/blog-entry-900.html The grass [gi] hardness was released with dealing reservation, did apology interview
- 全裸で絶叫「慎吾~!!」草なぎ容疑者逮捕
http://total-aidea-plan.at.webry.info/200904/article_20.html The grass the home of [gi] suspect was inside the town mid- Tokyo which it adjoins to the park
- 草なぎ容疑者逮捕に鳩山大臣が激怒
http://kikko.cocolog-nifty.com/kikko/2009/04/post-0beb.html The grass as for the [gi], getting drunk, dispersing clothes, it seems that the place where it is in the park is arrested, but details does not understand
- 草なぎ剛
http://yaplog.jp/naoco705/archive/426 The grass the poster of the area [deji] spread where [gi] suspect appears conveyed the idea of exchanging entirely
- 今朝、成田で知った
http://mogu-kei.iza.ne.jp/blog/entry/1007027/ The grass the poster and the like where [gi] suspect has been present was extensively removed, from the character the descending/disembarking board the idea where it can point conveyed
Hatoyama Kunio, Politics ,