- Dispensation of heaven
http://seisai-kan.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2009/12/post-5dca.html As the Liberal Democratic Party being good, before the shank and the original election because 仄 it is the extent which has dressed up, secession as the Liberal Democratic Party by yourself although it cuts, there are no times when no hesitation occurs probably will be
- As for support ratio 30% crack of Hatoyama Cabinet problem of time
http://takeyama-y.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2010/03/post-38f0.html It is unfortunate in the Liberal Democratic Party, but already the Liberal Democratic Party is state of division
- New life Liberal Democratic Party fetal movement
http://ameblo.jp/gusya-h/entry-10371948367.html Alternation of generation is inevitable for the Liberal Democratic Party
- Japanese weblog
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/yamame1235/e/98ee1581969e6d3309f2d0d9a86b2563 The Liberal Democratic Party becoming desperate, you cling and have been attached it probably will understand that also the weapon, “politics and the gold” is bamboo light
- 密室談合の民主党代表選挙で、鳩山由紀夫が選出された背景を読み解く。小沢一郎はキングメーカーなのか?それとも「使い捨て選挙屋」なのか?
http://blog.livedoor.jp/gold_7777/archives/51159889.html The Liberal Democratic Party and the Democratic party, “ideal way of administration after the Lower House election” are plugged to [maniyuhuesuto] of the Lower House election, put out coalition government conception and trust of the citizen should be questioned
- 世襲問題の波紋小泉後継者指名
http://ameblo.jp/n-masakazu/entry-10261163878.html You say that by the Liberal Democratic Party is not possible and the [te], is possible to the Democratic party
Hatoyama Kunio, Politics ,