- 国債53兆円 過去最高!
http://turarekuma.blog.so-net.ne.jp/2009-12-09 The meeting which prosecutes Yukio Hatoyama or the meeting which corrects public opinion in Tokyo area inspection the prime minister
- 日本人の為のテレビが隠しそうなニュース 12/16
http://ameblo.jp/mousou2007/entry-10412887295.html The same day, “we want Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama recognizing just with utmost effort to endeavor,” you said
- 日本人の為のテレビが隠しそうなニュース 12/8
http://ameblo.jp/mousou2007/entry-10406835572.html Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama “as a government came to the time when it decides the how to think”, that you stated on the 7th, but with the conference by the related Cabinet minister immediately after standardized opinion as a government was not settled, ahead sent conclusion
- 鳩山農園「有機野菜を食べる会」 パート2 鳩山会館にて
http://kageyamashuntarou.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2009/06/post-7e5d.html Yukio Hatoyama appeals “friendship”
- 密室談合の民主党代表選挙で、鳩山由紀夫が選出された背景を読み解く。小沢一郎はキングメーカーなのか?それとも「使い捨て選挙屋」なのか?
http://blog.livedoor.jp/gold_7777/archives/51159889.html “As for “all the party assemblage” Ozawa Okada's taking in” of Yukio's Hatoyama, Ozawa and Okada preceding, arbitrarily, ream. In order not to maneuver, it can also read the intention which uses the brake
Hatoyama Kunio, Politics ,