- As for support ratio 30% crack of Hatoyama Cabinet problem of time
http://takeyama-y.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2010/03/post-38f0.html The time former general affairs Minister of State Kunio present Hatoyama left a party the Liberal Democratic Party just
- 毎日新聞 今日も元気に印象操作
http://omyo.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2009/05/post-4797.html Beaucoup de sujets d'actualite au Japon
- 前略 総理大臣の麻生様,貴方も「説得力のないアヒル」の類ですか(その1)
http://mochizuki.iza.ne.jp/blog/entry/1071771/ Next, as for Yukio Hatoyama of the Democratic party representation “as for me, at the time of the representation election which unintentionally some days ago is, you said that we would like to construct friendship society
- 【民主党】「ネクスト」の舌禍癖
http://k-muta.cocolog-nifty.com/y_nakatani/2009/05/post-db4e.html Secretary General Yukio Okada Katuya secondary representation and Hatoyama which are disputed with the Democratic party typical selection
Hatoyama Kunio, Politics ,