- 今の心境・・・
http://ameblo.jp/aopman2/entry-10282132968.html Has fallen to predicament prime minister with such as confusion and the slump of Cabinet support ratio with the reshuffle of general affairs phase before Hatoyama Kunio, speech may expand the ripple to ruling and opposition parties both parties
- ★草なぎ、地デジ推進キャラ復帰?「ゼロではない」鳩山総務相が示唆
http://ameblo.jp/lovesituation-s/entry-10275075855.html Hatoyama Kunio general affairs phase (60) in interview of after the Cabinet conference of 5 days, the open [wa] it is and the [se] after the arresting with the suspicion, the grass of smap which stops the activity of the terrestrial digital broadcast spread propulsion character [gi] hardness (34) concerning, “(return) is not zero”, you said, suggested the possibility of re-going to the mound
- 今週の見通し・NY株 値動きの荒い展開
http://ameblo.jp/capitarup0123/entry-10266864980.html Hatoyama Kunio general affairs phase “is vague
- 世襲制限はすべきだ
http://blog.livedoor.jp/nagatachou/archives/51544050.html Hatoyama Kunio general affairs phase “is very vague contents
- 草磲くん。。。可哀想で・・・
http://blog.livedoor.jp/siripirikakunine7/archives/51236464.html Hatoyama Kunio general affairs phase feels yesterday “chaotic anger
- 鳩山くん・・・
http://blog.livedoor.jp/coreduo004/archives/51371007.html “It is shy, you talk “stormy Aiba”, supporting Hatoyama Kunio general affairs phase, unexpected Ikuta 斗 the truth<[jiyanizu] office post>With you did not know? (~ oral ~)
- 「最低の人間」の正しい例
http://pspgame005.blog68.fc2.com/blog-entry-900.html Kunio Hatoyama the [ho] is main point viewing word [tsu] temporary calls to the [ma
- 草なぎ剛
http://yaplog.jp/naoco705/archive/426 As for Hatoyama Kunio general affairs phase “if it makes fact, the [me] [chi] [ya] oral [ya] anger is felt”, you said to press corps on the 23rd, the grass which serves the character of terrestrial digital broadcast promotion concerning [gi] hardness suspect arrest,
Hatoyama Kunio, Politics ,