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○■ エープリルフール からってさ... Therefore the April $fools' $day the [tsu] [te] every year me you become pregnant and increase pass and want stopping lie!
○■ エイプリールフー 生まれ我が家... When to the birthday of the son of the ape reel fool origin pad there is a mischievous [tsu] air which every year uses the mischievous telephone and/or means with thing of the grandchild the surface which directly becomes hot, a liberal translation
○■ ( ���ϡ� ) no ho njitsu �� kome no kiji desu �� kyou kara �� gatsu nandesune (* ���� `*) gozen no kiji appu shitekara kidui ta �� eipuri^rufu^ru desuyo
Japanese Topics about April Fool, japanese culture, ...
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