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    Roh Moo-hyun,

    Reportage Politics related words 南北首脳会談 Self-Defense Force Corruption charges Lee Myung-bak Kim Jong-il Labour Party abduction issue Taepodong Ex-president 韓国前 Korean Workers North Korea Korea
    0 . 1 . 2 .
  • ○■ “North Korea if it goes this way, (collapse) falls to countdown state”, a liberal translation

  • ○■ 北朝鮮の核実験の 響か統一部長... In Korea which has also the influence of the North Korean nuclear test or the resignation of standardized section director, part replacement of the Cabinet minister (Cabinet remodelling) personal affairs were decided that

  • ○■ Nuclear explosion experim ent and the missile discharge where North Korea does cause the economic sanction from worldwide each country, the same national economy the neck is in a state the 絞 [me] and others [re] [ru] way with the floss silk

  • ○■ 民主党に政権担当 力があるか... Is there an administration charge ability in the Democratic party?

  • ○■ In the North Korean guida nce section the God sanctification work of making the succession system by the correct silver person mind is advanced prudently, directs to basis strengthening of domestic economy for that and this year conversion of foreign policy may be assured

  • ○■ 韓国の新聞がお手 になる、と... The Korean newspaper becomes model, that it is necessary at that time to think, that when you think, protruding. It means that the attitude that with collection of data anything hears with anything, is penetrated

  • ○■ It is the article of the joint communication transmission which in product sutra newspaper web edition July of 09 24th was raised past 7 o'clock in the afternoon

  • ○■ まあ、共同通信は う書いてい... Well, so you write cooperation communication, but because the latest “quaint support freedom guardian” probably is something which, will train the emergency maneuvers which the American Korea combined troop of example has enhanced on the figure, moving as for direct relationship you think that it is not,

  • ○■ Furthermore former Presid ent American Carter North Korea is visited in this time as the special representative of [obama] president

  • ○■ この論理はいつも 朝日新聞そ... This logic is the usual Asahi newspaper itself

  • ○■ * Torpedo north, = patrol warship sinking of possibility with “99% or more” American authorities person - the Korean paper The Korean paper Seoul newspaper (electronic edition) on the 2nd, the American government-related person judging from former evidence and circumstance the same Japan, concerning the cause of sinking of the Korean naval patrol warship, you announced that possibility of the torpedo attack by North Korea “it is 99% or more”, that expressed the viewpoint, a liberal translation

  • ○■ > という逃げも打 っていた... > With it struck also the escaping which is said, a liberal translation

  • ○■ Kim Dae Jung's death lose s the largest understanding person for parent north left wing power and shock is large, but on the one hand conservatives is the feeling which will be been relieved by the fact that the largest rival goes out, a liberal translation

  • ○■ 最近の画像つき記 [ 画像一... Recent picture being attached article [to picture summary, a liberal translation

  • ○■ North Korea saying that j ust there is a pinch of absolute decease, is not overstatement

  • ○■ 北朝鮮の金正日総 記は死亡する... The Kim Jong-Il General Secretary of North Korea until you do not die, loses judgment ability completely whether you die,, a liberal translation

  • ○■ That and the North Korean sovereignty is not respected, you conveyed idea that we assume cannot return in 6 person conferences

  • ○■ 北朝鮮の「朝鮮国 保険公社」... On the basis of the testimony [kimu] [guanjin] “the Korean government-managed insurance public corporation” staff of North Korea is served,

  • ○■ Our country worldwide eac h country observes of course the place where, the successor of the Kim Jong-Il General Secretary of North Korea, becomes someone, but according to expectation it was decided in the correct favor person of 3 man

  • ○■ 朝鮮中央通信は1日 、北朝鮮国防... The Korean central communication on the 1st, the North Korean national defense commission reporting official the same Japan, appeared in the raising/holding which discloses the whole aspect of secret contact with the Korean side

  • ○■ As for General liberal! T he large board of the Benz 160 unit present you behaved in staff and - North Korean 2010 July 31st, the Korean paper Central Daily News quoted American media reporting, you announced that the Kim Jong-Il General Secretary of North Korea sent the Benz 160 unit to the Korean work party staff,

  • ○■ 金正日総書記が亡 なりまし... The Kim Jong-Il General Secretary died

  • ○■ Furthermore the Korean ce lebration the south road ([kiyonsannamudo]) in [ponha] village under the 烽 of gold sea [kimuhe] city suburb 23rd 6:40 AM around, the reverse side mountain of the home, the president before 盧 military affairs 鉉 [nomuhiyon] which is in the midst of scaling a mountain (62) fell down, was carried to the hospital, but you died promptly, so is

  • ○■ 北朝鮮の金正日総 記死去によ... Any risk in the geopolitics due to the Kim Jong-Il General Secretary passing away of North Korea had become limited, but in the afternoon the single step it did cheaply in the speech of ecb [doragi] president, a liberal translation

  • ○■ With the goal of the midd le of July ......

  • ○■ 米国を信用してい は大変なこ... Trusting the United States, it means very thing

  • ○■ When it is to 盧 militar y affairs 鉉 administration, “north and south identical race, a liberal translation

  • ○■ 朝鮮日本の編。幹 がこの続き... The Korean Japanese compilation. As for staff publishing this continuation ones that way, the writer the viewpoint that the other compilation “it stimulates the Japanese nuclear armament inevitably”. Staff allowance rather than, because it probably has aligned, a liberal translation

  • ○■ Centering on the same inc ident, in April the North Korean “military theory. ” “Don't you think? the member (Korea) structure it has done north participation theory”, that you criticized, but as for being able to announce the reference by the North Korean official the first time, a liberal translation

  • ○■ しかしなんでこの 子たちだけ... But just this parent and child getting fat with something, don't you think? the [ru] it is probably will be,…, a liberal translation

  • 盧武鉉

    Roh Moo-hyun,

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