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○■ 競馬を見始めた当 なので、前... Because it is the beginning when horse racing is started to look, inspecting the preceding year and the history of jc to time before that, confrontation of the Japanese horse and the top-rank horse of the world view “the [u] it is the [u] it is” with you had nodded
○■ The horse which I choose 1 occupied 2 arrival 3 arrivals, but because of 1 keeper air a little it was the deficit
○■ 天皇賞秋が1着− 着−2着−... Emperor prize fall 1 −1 arrival −2 arrival −1 arrival −1 arrivals, emperor prize spring 3 emperor prize fall ratio inside 3 arrival of the horse which wins is high, is, a liberal translation
○■ Front running most as for popularity winning a prize ratio a little more than 44.7% even with the horse which is not popularity, a liberal translation
○■ アーネストリー・ ィクトワー... Inserting, [anesutori] [vuikutowarupisa] we would like to turn off from midst of [hirunodamuru] [perusa] [eishinhuratsushiyu] [tosenjiyodan],
○■ そういえば前に こ んな番組... So, if you say, doing such a program before, however it increased, day tele now [hotsukamuri] doing, don't you think? so is, w, a liberal translation
○■ 「シェフのブログ カテゴリの... Up-to-date article [oruhueburu] “of [burogu] category of the chef”, and the pond attachment jockey is shaken off, in three crown horse photograph favorite young people, ikea anniversary of popularity, the day entry in the family register Kanai salad, a liberal translation
○■ ◎トーセンレーヴ
○オルフェ... * Toe plug Loeve ○ [oruhuevuru] - [sadamupatetsuku] △ [hueitohuruuo] * Universal bank
○■ 菊花賞制覇で一旦 解放されたプ... Once weight joining to the pressure which is released, a little, this time when it has the [ru] impression, you probably will fly with chrysanthemum flower prize conquest
○■ ステイゴールド産 は欧州向きな... As for stay gold product scene [ne] perhaps it is the European direction
○■ 馬券は三連単で、
◎ →... As for the betting ticket being three reams single, * -> the ○ -> 3 point ×1000 circular = 3000 Yen of ▲△! (As for sign expectation order)
○■ Up-to-date article we “ of world” category repels!! The Miyata harmony 弥 _ once upon a time and it can meet to that day which the _ Hakata rooms_2011… king kazu horse racing Dubai world cup 2011 Japanese horse one two! du… afc asian cup 2011 Japanese representation samurai blue change, a liberal translation
○■ 皐月賞馬オルフェ ヴル2冠なる... It becomes the Satuki prize horse [oruhuevuru] 2 crown? Satuki prize most rollback of popularity [sadamupatetsuku]? NHK mile cup 2 Coty Lyon end leg explosion? World, a liberal translation
○■ このブログの人気 事
第1... If popularity article 14th Fuji s of this [burogu] (g3) “presently, even in Tokyo! Rainbow… 72nd chrysanthemum flower prize (g1) “beating, [ii] and others -! It was hated… 4 Tokyo 4.5 day eyes
○■ Ever since 3 crowns of [o ruhuevuru], the stay product scene which reaches the point where it is observed completely even with the new horse
○■ 「長距離血統の法 」カテゴリ... Law spring of law Meguro commemoration of up-to-date article chrysanthemum flower prize “of law category of the long distance lineage” law 7 of the heaven Spring law 6 of the heaven spring law 5 of the heaven
○■ せめて3着に残っ くれれば... At least if it remains in 3 arrivals, as for wide although you have taken,…, a liberal translation
○■ 2冠馬オルフェー ルの登場です... If this which is appearance of 2 crown horse [oruhuevuru] [oruhuevuru] and [uinbariashion], hard so with the frere jack the hole it becomes in the smart robin kana, a liberal translation
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