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    Reportage Politics related words melt Nuclear power plant TSUNAMI radioactivity TRUCK Chernobyl earthquake nuclear Fukushima nuclear plant Fukushima nuclear power plant Radioactive material
    0 .
  • ○■ These are talking of Ja panese blogoholic.

  • ○■ nuclear

  • ○■ 3 gouki deha konshuu � � kokuen ga aga ttaga �� irsn niyoruto kokuen no gen'in no 1 tsutoshite �� koriumu �� roshin youyuu mono �� toyobareru houshasei no suragu ga kakunou youki no konkuri^to to kagakuhannou shita kanousei ga kangae rarerutoiu

  • ○■ karyokuhatsuden hodo ko uatsu dehanaiga �� soredemo senkanyamato no kouatsu ta^bin iri �� joukiatsu ga 22-23kg/cm2 teido to hikaku shitemo �� 2.3mpa kurai

  • ○■ May be linked to more d etailed information..

  • ○■

  • ○■ the worst of times someti mes brings out the best in people, even in japan's “losers” a.k.the japanese mafia and the yakuza.

  • ○■ i'm concerned about the e mergency at fukushima 1 nuclear POWER plant. cesium was detected and which means the meltdown (*might have) happened. fingers crossed. march 12 at 1:49 pm

  • ○■ As for pellet largest fis sion degree of characteristic plutonium enriched of the “mox fuel” 6% as for fuel assembly highest burn-up of the thing “mox fuel” aggregate which is done make 40,000 mwd/t which exceeds that

  • ○■ fukushima nuclear acciden t update (11 march 2011, 21:10 utc), a liberal translation

  • ○■ japan s damaged nuclear p lant in fukushima has been emitting radioactive iodine and caesium at levels approaching those seen in the aftermath of the chernobyl accident in 1986. austrian researchers have used a worldwide network of radiation detectors designed to SPOT clandestine nuclear bomb tests to show that iodine-131 is being released at daily levels 73 per cent of those seen after the 1986 disaster. the daily amount of caesium-137 released from fukushima daiichi is around 60 per cent of the amount released from chernobyl. the difference between this accident and chernobyl, they say, is that at chernobyl a huge fire released large amounts of many radioactive materials, including fuel particles and in smoke. at fukushima daiichi, only the volatile elements, such as iodine and caesium and are bubbling OFF the damaged fuel. but these substances could nevertheless pose a significant health risk outside the plant. the organisation set up to verify the comprehensive nuclear-test-ban treaty (ctbt) has a global network of air samplers that monitor and trace the origin of around a dozen radionuclides and the radioactive elements released by atomic bomb blasts and nuclear accidents. these measurements can be combined with wind observations to track where the radionuclides come from and how much was released.

  • ○■ we must never give up and re-grow this country up., a liberal translation

  • ○■ Prime Minister Naoto Kan also warns that situation remains 'unpredictable' at Fukushima plant As for Prime Minister 菅 Naoto, [so]. . u200b. . As for the circumstance like u200b, at the Fukushima factory. . u0026#39; Estimate. . u0026#39; While is warning

  • ○■ World weather patterns wi ll shield New Zealand from radiation spewed out of the stricken nuclear POWER station in Japan and experts here say. Traces of radioactive material from Fukushima in northern Japan have reached most parts… null and responseDetails: Suspected Terms of Service Abuse. Please see responseStatus: 40, a liberal translation

  • ○■ fukushima

  • ○■ How looking at wherever, about being possible to be a critical defect in job on of the design and management and site of the facility, it is understood by anyone because? Actually, also the subject that coming up, about 11 years service is not inspected, the [ru] because? Being the place where some equipment is designated as the new item, there is no either reason which is in time because? The [do], the [do], being one safety control somewhere? To whichever, you don't think that Fukushima first nuclear plant 3 the suitable [iwaku] being attached it is the machine itself and? With just this “mox fuel” inspection data illegitimate problem, at all sizes of the pellet diameter, the hole opens in the coating tube, breaks and gives the unexpected scar to the fuel rod, as for the danger which causes radioactivity leak accident thinks, that long ago it was, but …

  • ○■ Consequently, with the li ght water reactor nuclear plant, the “mox fuel” can be used up to only maximum of 1/3, a liberal translation

  • ○■ 'Only it depends on fukus hima 50', but somehow only persevering, you cannot say,

  • ○■ “, Plutonium”, “ame ricium” and so on the alpha ray is produced to the “mox fuel”, other than when “actinoid (the transuranic element)” with the radioactivity which is said from first is included, these radioactivity are discharged outside, considerable internal exposure is brought, a liberal translation

  • ○■ “Is fukushima 50” kno wn? [Amoeba news] well, among these the Tokyo Electric Power Company staff that it does not stay, thinking…Hello work with the person and the original homeless peolpe who gathered becoming once staff treatment, [ru]?…When it is bombed, 20,000,000 it will be transferred and even name probably will not come out

  • ○■ It offers Japanese Trend , bandwagons , epidemic and Recent fashion in English.

  • fukushima


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