- Heart rocker (2008), a liberal translation
http://honyakuturezuregusa.cocolog-nifty.com/nekos/2011/03/2008-f283.html In fukushima 50 En Fukushima 50
- Appropriate information disclosure is desired concerning the Fukushima first nuclear power plant (the continuation), a liberal translation
http://aruconsultant.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2011/03/post-5a78.html fukushima nuclear accident update (11 march 2011, 21:10 utc), a liberal translation actualización del accidente nuclear de Fukushima (el 11 de marzo de 2011, UTC del 21:10)
- It tries doing., a liberal translation
http://bravo-universe.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2011/03/post-0e5b.html 12:00 midi dans chaque fuseau horaire, a liberal translation horaire del fuseau del chaque de los dans de Midi del 12:00
- Duty and Sentiment
http://tokyojambalaya.cocolog-nifty.com/radio_citizens/2011/03/duty-and-sentim.html could you please announce the exiting strategy of the fukushima daiichi operation, by your responsibility and as chief executive of this country. it will be the safeguard for us japanese citizens and our friends and their families. podría usted anunciar por favor la estrategia de salida de la operación del daiichi de Fukushima, por su responsabilidad y como ejecutivo de este país. será la salvaguardia para nosotros los ciudadanos japoneses y nuestros amigos y sus familias.
Fukushima, Reportage, Politics ,