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○■ fukushima genpatsu no j iko de �� houshanou no ame ga furu kara nige ro ��
○■ asa kara yuki ga ori � sukoshi tsumotte imasu
○■ konkai no fukushima gen patsujiko wo kentoushi temiruto �� kanjin natokorode bousai ue mondai ninaru ten ga uka bi aga tte kima shitane
○■ konkai ha nihonshi ue s aidai no ootsu nami datta
○■ charunobuiri to toukaim ura no jiko to hanshin dai shinsai ga doujini oko tteruto omotte kiki kanri wo go jishin denasatte kudasai
○■ soshite �� nishinih on no katagata hadouka nippon no keizai kassei notameni �� dondon soto ni dete
○■ fukushima daiichi genpa tsu �� fukushimadainigenpatsu eria nitsuite hikou kinshi
○■ �� ijou �� honj itsu no asahishinbun no choukan yori ��
○■ It offers the bloggerel of Japanese.
○■ hanshin dai shinsai no hi ninaranai kurai ketsueki ga tari teinaisoudesu
○■ hisaichi ha �� boku ra no nanbai mo mono ga tari naku �� attemo hakobe nai joukyou ga tsudui teirutoiimasu
○■ It offers Japanese Trend , bandwagons , epidemic and Recent fashion in English.
○■ konkai no jishin houdou demoyorihakkirishimashitane
○■ �� ie deha tayori n aku kanji ru chichi desuga �� watashi ha kyou hodo hokori ni omotta kotohaarimasen
○■ These are many word of blog in Japanese the most recent topics.
○■ These are talking of Ja panese blogoholic.
○■ soredemo tanomi masuze �� hontou ni
○■ To learn more, ask blogg ers to link to.
○■ May be linked to more d etailed information..
○■ Increased in the evacuati on indication from around the Fukushima nuclear plant, but as for that meaning you must think securely,
○■ Chernobyl (nuclear accide nt) you make remember”, that early you talked the reason of return home
○■ 2011 March 13th (Sunday)
○■ A high density radioactiv ity leak of Fukushima nuclear plant
○■ The water supply activity by the helicopter to the Fukushima nuclear plant starts, the water cannon truck of riot squad waits even at the land
○■ The radioactivity of usua l 10,000 time was inspected with the Fukushima nuclear front gate,, a liberal translation
○■ 福島原発
○■ recommendation , suggest ions, consideration, sentiment , opinion , statument,
○■ souzou wo zessu ru kibo no jishin nihadonnani sonae wo shiteitemo muimi na koto nanokanaa ��
○■ Fukushima first nuclear p lant 1 with the machine possibility of core melt (the Yomiuri Shimbun Company) - from the goo news nuclear plant first steam discharge, to “the worst” evasion tightrope walking (the Yomiuri Shimbun Company) - with the goo news Miyagi Megawa nuclear plant inside the road mammock nuclear plant 500 human waiting (the Asahi newspaper) -, also the time of a Tokai village radioactivity leak before the goo news, with the television the specialists, “becoming like this, increase in”, that however it explained, really, subcontract used the bucket, a liberal translation
Fukushima nuclear plant,