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○■ 彼は典型的、草食 子... As for him typical, herbivorous boy
○■ If the woman does not kee p living depending on the man, they are not the times when it cannot go, a liberal translation
○■ 一緒に遊びにいく はなかなか... Very it was pleasant to go to play together, is, but it transfers where, it is not one of middle managements
○■ But temporarily it ended work, it is, while ending, the work which starts does not insert and increases naturally for a while although it approached payment date inside that of the [te], one ended after all something and being chased,
○■ そういえば席替え たばかりっ... So if you said, the seat it just changed the [te] the [tsu] [ke] which was said, a liberal translation
○■ Therefore as for this the excessiveness thinking, that it may want in the child, but the [ru] it is because marriage it is not done yet, becoming sometime
○■ 「あらゆる汚い手 を使って、... “All using the dirty hand”, it tries probably to hang on in the seat of the prime minister 菅 Naoto
○■ 肉食系女子c「弁 なんか作って... Don't you think? meat diet type woman c “lunch something it has made, the [e]!!”If the meat diet type woman a “man meat diet to obtain!!
○■ After all, however there is no the parenthesis good present special issue number, it dresses stylishly with anything, don't you think? the [chi] [ya] [u, a liberal translation
○■ もちろんhくんに 解を取ってね... Don't you think? of course taking comprehension in h!, a liberal translation
○■ However, as for this medi cine 1 people occur in 50,000 person of the taking person to be a side effect, “sudden occurrence blood platelet decrease characteristic purple spot symptom”, Osamu depended on this
○■ というわけで、真 目にアドバイ... With being the case that it is said, advising you try seriously
○■ With the [tsu] which is t he advertisement from [ori] princess with the notion that where you say, a liberal translation
○■ ちょっと会わない に、いろんな... While just a little meeting, me who have various thing
○■ As for that. Perhaps 崇 with it is released by the fact that you plight with the man who is said,, a liberal translation
○■ それは、自分自身 2児の父親に... That, by your having become the father of 2 children and, is not unrelated, a liberal translation
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