http://twitter.com/ZEA_MW] RT @ZEAs_World: [TRANS] @ZEA_MW: Fanmeeting Japan u314bu314bu314b The 1st performance was over and we're preparing the 2nd (cont) http://t.co/baR2LIac
- Today [arizeo] (the [ze] which is)…It is painful…, a liberal translation
Sujets de fournir rapidement les dernieres japonais.
- Sunday going/participating view day
http://pinga.cocolog-nifty.com/diary/2011/06/post-2126.html So if you said, the seat it just changed the [te] the [tsu] [ke] which was said, a liberal translation Tan si usted dijo, el asiento que acaba de cambiar [te] [tsu] [KE] que fue dicho
- Future dream, a liberal translation
http://ameblo.jp/roze79/entry-10478596381.html So if you say, when going to friend's house before this, the she being such a thing, it increased Tan si usted dice, al ir a la casa del amigo antes de esto, ella que es tal cosa, aumentó
grass eating men, Reportage,