- Bubble [wa] [wa] [wa] [wa] [wa] -. The [ge] which it does.
http://ameblo.jp/nene0107/entry-10410233597.html Temporarily however it tried lining up, as for the thing which [nene] would like to hear one 然而它临时地设法排队,至于为的事[nene]希望听见一
- New Year!, a liberal translation
http://monochroark.blog.shinobi.jp/Entry/187/ But temporarily it ended work, it is, while ending, the work which starts does not insert and increases naturally for a while although it approached payment date inside that of the [te], one ended after all something and being chased, 但是它临时地结束工作,它是,当结束,开始不自然地有一阵子插入并且不增加的工作时,虽然它接近了被结束在所有某事以后和被追逐的付款日期里面[te],一个,
- It is funny application, a liberal translation
http://mi-ki-saxo.blog.so-net.ne.jp/2011-02-08 Temporarily, the [ho] it is with regardless it is 临时地, [ho]它是与不管怎么样它是
grass eating men, Reportage,