- Takei 咲 in herbivorous type boy painful word? “As for the current boys, the one which [gatsugatsu] is done more is good”
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/noble_hero/e/9c28ece52a39a53a4f8f5b9bdfeb2d4b Don't you think? meat diet type woman c “lunch something it has made, the [e]!!”If the meat diet type woman a “man meat diet to obtain!! ¿Usted no piensa? ¡carne almuerzo de la mujer tipo dieta c “algo que ha hecho, [e]!! ¡” Si el tipo mujer de la dieta de la carne “una dieta de la carne del hombre a obtener!!
- Japanese weblog
http://blog.livedoor.jp/uriuri101010/archives/51577822.html The meat diet woman is not active to there, La mujer de la dieta de la carne no es activa a allí,
- Japanese weblog
http://ameblo.jp/wanna-be-neo-neet/entry-10551074911.html The meat diet type woman [tsu] [te] in a word, as the man who hunts the woman” just was designated ““the woman who hunts the man”, don't you think? ¿El tipo mujer [tsu] [te] de la dieta de la carne en una palabra, como el hombre quién busca la mujer” acaba de ser señalado ““la mujer que las cazas el hombre”, usted no piensan?
- Japanese weblog
http://ameblo.jp/kazukeikazukei/entry-10519625135.html It is eaten in the meat diet type woman, the [chi] [ya] [u, a liberal translation Se come en el tipo mujer de la dieta de la carne, [ji] [ya] [u
grass eating men, Reportage,