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○■ In any case, when the Hat oyama Cabinet starts, you lose wastefulness and find the revenue source, control the bureaucracy, live and would like to have making good life is
○■ でも、参議院議員 選ぶ、庶民... So, Councilor is chosen, viewing of the populace, as an original House of Councillors role
○■ Because Yukio Hatoyama is not that or this, clear, is, but
○■ いよいよ2009 の衆議院選... More and more election day of the Lower House election 2009 - ballot counting day 30 days, a liberal translation
○■ As for Prime Minister Hat oyama if “1 months several days it tacks, the spoon fixed. Commenting…” with you have expressed, but from the point of view of latest office work hand continuation schedule, as for the word of the prime minister the mere opening being repaired
○■ 選挙で国民に公約 た政策をス... It is not possible, to actualize the policy which with election is pledged in the citizen to straight becomes to betray the expectation of the citizen who was pushed up in administration
○■ 前回の選挙では、 こやらの島... With previous election, it was from the island of somewhere and with support of the chill drain which becomes, it had praised actively with the circle
○■ Also today is continued s till, but
○■ 今年に入ってから 春の新型イ... After entering into this year, new model influenza disturbance of the spring, it accompanies the typhoon time of rain and damage of the heavy rain, soaring of the vegetables of the short summer and summer and harvesting the rice worry! Economy victory of the Lower House election and democracy among such of stagnation thickness!
○■ According to news the per son who votes before the date was the previous 50% increasing
○■ どうやら魔王の地 がすれ違い... Somehow, it seems that the map of the devil passes each other and can get with communication
○■ It just is kind it probab ly will not be good simply
○■ しかし今回、有田 んは勝ち抜... But this time, Arita attained victory, a liberal translation
○■ But, 2005 August 8th, wit h House of Councillors, it was rejected
○■ これは政治の立場 立つ私にと... You must admonish this from something for me who stand in standpoint of politics, it is the word
○■ This is not common mostly thing
○■ 「同じことが住ん いる地域が... “You just say it has occurred, that the area where the same thing has lived is different, it is”, that when it is said, certainly the sled [ya] it is strange and, with you think intuitively know
○■ “[anta], the [ro] which is that excessiveness?”With numerous [maniyuhuesuto] which is said… usually in the habit which so has been done greatly, just front of the electing the teachers who ask handshake before the station… throwing out local administration midway, “now is!”With, the people who run as a candidate… it is what, as made foolish, in large quantity there are also times when it will be boring, but you probably will properly vote, a liberal translation
○■ ところで、石破氏 、8月末の... By the way, Isiba is defeated with the Lower House election of 8 ends of the month and enters into September and directly secretariat Director Kawamura of that time (the Liberal Democratic Party) receiving the due-out of secretariat secret expense of 250,000,000 Yen it probably is forgetting?, a liberal translation
○■ But, this day, the Lower House election
○■ これをただちに執 すべきだ... That this should be executed at once, I think
○■ Being dissatisfied and in traparty for Prime Minister Hatoyama, gushing and the mass communications have conveyed
○■ 誰に入れるかは、 示される前か... You insert in someone, before making public from, deciding, it increased
○■ It is alliance of the cor poration people party and the national new party on the Democratic party itself mosaic pattern aggregate, as for the leader you connect directly with the stability of administration
○■ 政治家の皆様、手 と目的を混同... In order everyone of the politician, expedient and purpose not to be confused, please persevere
○■ In regard to politician r eformation is not left to member of the Diet who watches member of the Diet and member of the Diet who watch the political party, but the way which leaves to the general people who watch the politician was possible, a liberal translation
○■ 政権交代して社民 党首の福島氏... Administration alternating, because the Fukushima of corporation people party party chief became the minister of state, it is about you have expected greatly
○■ Being the place where eit her Ichiro's Ozawa adviser and Councilor etc original plain Sadao who is called the aide are not visible, perhaps it relates,
○■ 前回の衆議院選挙 に言っていた... After the victory, the 180° reversing the fact that you said before the previous Lower House election, it changed suddenly in the appearance where the bureaucratic United States is good
○■ This time in the House of Councillors candidate, a liberal translation
House of Representatives elections,