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○■ Like this, I who am said even one time receive the vaccination of the influenza with former life and the callous do not grind
○■ おかげでスムーズ 注射をすま... It was possible to make the injection be completed smoothly with favor,
○■ Well, but certainly, as f or truth 40 years old!
○■ 「これやってもい ?」「これ... You are possible “this to do?”“This how?”And so on with, it is noisy one by one
○■ Although it is gale, with the bicycle, a liberal translation
○■ 大人になると、5 kgにま... When you become the adult, it becomes 54kg, so is
○■ Already immediately 10 ki lometers! In 5 months
○■ Before liking to draw suc h a picture, the picture hid, a liberal translation
○■ そしたら、すぐ止 りました... So when it did, it stopped immediately
○■ ある有料老人ホー にオヤジ... Because we had decided to lend out the picture of the father to a certain pay nursing home, the rearrangement daytime was done, but it was serious
○■ “The [ji] [yo] which is the [ke] -” is, a liberal translation
○■ The eye being itchy from 2 and 3 days ago, the nose slipperily the [ma] which is, never…In such a season pollen? With special care, however the vaccination � of the influenza it struck for preventing, in prevention of the hay fever the viewing [ze] the ~
○■ 昨日はインフルエ ザの予防接種... Yesterday received the vaccination of the influenza, but it coincides to the type which this time becomes popular as expected? Well this one gamble kana (the ^^ HKDRT, when [honmamon] as for you say, the jockey and the horse the luxurious personnel
○■ Last week in cold of rema inder, g.u. it was you bought inner
○■ 元気はあるので、 屈をもてあま... Because there is a vigor, have the boredom 6 year old children who are done sweetly, a liberal translation
○■ This year it inserted als o the influenza vaccine
○■ 予防接種?そんな の絶対にしま... Vaccination? It does not make such a ones absolute!
○■ ということで結局
押入れの掃... When with after all, the closet it cleans with the notion that where you say, because the wool whose touch is good was found, the original work we had decided to do!
○■ Stopping, it cleans the f act that just a little you think, a liberal translation
○■ それにしても久し りに入る病院... It became tense in sign of the hospital where it enters nevertheless after a long time, a liberal translation
○■ “You come to sometime?”
○■ 今年は柿をたくさ 食べました... This year the persimmon the large quantity was eaten, a liberal translation
○■ For the physical strength emission 2 it is the fungus saw mother [chibi] it is to the park it keeps thrusting to the wound and the puddle well and, not to try probably to very return, well, from now on influenza vaccination 2nd time be able to persevere two people
○■ 起きたら、予防接 を打った辺... When it occurs, when vaccination is struck becoming red, the [ru, a liberal translation
○■ Neglecting truly, it incr eased optimistic [burogu
○■ 今日はリョウくん 予防接種... Today was vaccination of the water caltrop, the ~
○■ Also November is end at [ a] today
○■ 空さん弁当はこち 今日、仕... This today, with this where 'the microwave oven' comes to the work place, it pulls out the empty lunch, vaccination of the influenza which it pulls out and can eat the lunch was struck, a liberal translation
○■ Because there was no 喘 ringing, when the vaccination of the influenza to reserve you try gradually
○■ 午後は実家に行く 事があり、...