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○■ 昨日は布団を洗濯 にコインラ... Yesterday called the futon to the laundry dying coin laundry, a liberal translation
○■ Today, because was the co mpany injection love you want to do, did not accumulate with to throw away the vaccination of [inhuruensa] ゙ as for the injection of [inhuruensa] ゙ original [kano] of the ~ younger brother who is unprecedented with vaccination became [inhuruensa] ゙, don't you think? (laughing) you massage with that and want have applied
○■ Today during morning with continuation of yesterday cleaning and periodic medical examination of father and vaccination etc of influenza
○■ 今日は、花の金曜 です♪なの... Today becomes cloudy although it is the ♪ which Friday of the flower is the rain/!!
○■ Vaccination, when, or the heat which consist of falling in one day, in morning of the next day become the normal temperature, are 3rd day it becomes difficult, to sleep, as for 4th day would like to go to play the eddy eddy… where
○■ 「雑記」カテゴリ 最新記事... It probably will protect with the citizen open seminar “vaccine the effect of news vaccination of the up-to-date article temporary 休 診 “of miscellaneous” category directly, concerning the polio vaccine! Future of child”…
○■ It is the up-to-date arti cle Christmas tree “of [risatarou] & eye princess” category, - the birth meeting ♪ and mark group of the ^^ December origin, gathering -! The birthday of 6 years old!!! Revival -!!!, a liberal translation
○■ 予防接種後は免疫 弱まるので熱... After vaccination because immunity becomes weak, unless perhaps, heat is produced, however it was thing, “also the child is small when and, heat is produced, because you go to bed,” that saying, it had inserting
○■ 「犬」カテゴリの 新記事... Vaccination appreciation (*^_^*) cup friend of up-to-date article [mu] “of dog” category and agonizing of the dog 斗 it is abrupt in the trauma of [mu], but the family it increased
○■ City and pot Halloween ic e [gi] [yo] [u] [za] of vaccination 酉 of up-to-date article woman item ♪ influenza “of everyone” category!
○■ このブログの人気 事
葉月... Popularity article Hazuki of this [burogu] is operation from this
○■ 「雑談」カテゴリ 最新記事... Up-to-date article January 4th “of chat” category (water) [bu] and coming January 3rd (fire) [bu] and coming January 2nd (month) [bu] and coming January 1st (day) [bu] and coming 謹 celebration New Year
○■ インフルエンザワ チンの接種を... There is no I who insert the influenza vaccine [te]…The children next man cell did not do crying and either the noise did not do, increased as [kerotsu], but as for the eldest son cell before the inserting “it is injection [kirai] what, don't you think? we would not like to do, but it is, [a] ~ and [butsubutsu] which are” saying, it was noisy, (laughing) <- each time common usage already 1 times you must insert, although,…Contribution from all right oak and others android carrying, a liberal translation
○■ The up-to-date article to tal eclipse of the moon “of ♪ diary” category, it was visible? Story of the dream which was seen after a long time
○■ 最近の画像つき記
[ 画像一... Recent picture being attached article [to picture summary, a liberal translation
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