- Happy, the bell is rolled, large hustling.
http://enosui.cocolog-nifty.com/happiness/2012/02/post-f9df.html Vigor entered to the basket of the hemadynamometer inserting, a liberal translation El vigor entró a la cesta de la inserción del hemadynamometer
- in my daily life
http://d.hatena.ne.jp/fuchikoma/20120205 Because there is a vigor, have the boredom 6 year old children who are done sweetly, a liberal translation Porque hay un vigor, tenga el aburrimiento los niños de 6 años que se hacen dulce
- These are talking of Japanese blogoholic.
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/carcinoid_2008/e/e9025b5e9ae71d8f80d662886d8c3eab Originally, to become cold as a constitution because it is characteristic, there was blood circulation defectiveness Originalmente, llegar a ser frío como constitución porque es característico, allí era defectuosidad de la circulación de sangre
- 10 month medical examinations (2nd time), a liberal translation
http://ameblo.jp/mi-na1230/entry-11082778047.html Moving vigorously, as for the [ru] form, to see, because the [re] it is, it does well and with does Moviéndose vigoroso, en cuanto a la forma [ru], para ver, porque [con referencia a] es, mana y con hace
Vaccination, Reportage, Health,