- Influenza, a liberal translation
http://ameblo.jp/turbokitty/entry-11150742855.html Just [ha] ゚ [ha] ゚ and the [a] vaccination - for the present there is no condition Apenas ゚ do ゚ [ha] [ha] e a vacinação [a] - para o presente não há nenhuma condição
- Prevention
http://ameblo.jp/11934193/entry-11093770096.html Will try to receive vaccination Tentará receber a vacinação
- walking proud
http://ameblo.jp/re-rave/entry-11077038067.html Vaccination? It does not make such a ones absolute! Vacinação? Não faz tais absolutos!
- New Year's Eve
http://ameblo.jp/u-yanblog/entry-11122999552.html However with vaccination the veterinarian was made the adhesive tape being lazy, (t_t) at the absolute other hospital the additional fee taking [chi] [ya] [u Entretanto com vacinação o veterinário foi feito à fita adesiva que é preguiçosa, (t_t) no absolute o outro hospital a taxa adicional que toma [qui] [ya] [u
Vaccination, Reportage, Health,