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○■ Here “it is the retreat ing/quitting submitting, allowance”, the kana which is skillfulness of the favor rice field land, with thought, a liberal translation
○■ 古代エジプトでも なる石として... Being excavated as the stone which becomes saint even in ancient Egypt, we would like to hurt, is, a liberal translation
○■ 「ラピスラズリー 同様の「鎮静... Because there is “a [rapisurazuri]” similar “quiet effect”, it is the stone which is wanted having by all means in the person who becomes directly feeling as a stone of reason and intelligence,, a liberal translation
○■ Of course however effect how it is with it is not thought, the consequence which originally loves the jewels, to be enormous interestingly 々 it is k in the stone of clean color
○■ こちらも上記と同 に、首元部... This same as description above, has passed through mix clear orange circular tube of [vuintejibizu] to the neck original part, a liberal translation
○■ 美浦tc
今週12月1 1日... Miho tc this week December 11th (the Saturday) Nakayama [rapisurazuri] s (op lawn 1200m) starting running is planned with Kitamura Koshi jockey 54kg
○■ <img alt=願いを... < The opening luck breath br love which grants the img alt= request it is deep the hall* [burogu] of cherry tree co - love it is deep hall src=
○■ ラピスラズリブレ ¥4095... [rapisurazuriburesu] ¥4095, a liberal translation
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