- Way if coconut,, a liberal translation
http://ameblo.jp/rocklife-is-beautiful/entry-10378684737.html This child was good being its own cat, a liberal translation 这个孩子是好是它自己的猫
- This sentences has translated into English and Japanese sentences are linked.
http://looseleaf.blog.so-net.ne.jp/2009-12-12 Here “it is the retreating/quitting submitting, allowance”, the kana which is skillfulness of the favor rice field land, with thought, a liberal translation 在这里“它撤退的或放弃的递交,容限”,是厚待米领域土地的熟练的kana,与想法
- ★トランプとブレスレット
http://mie.air-nifty.com/mainichi/2009/12/post-deef.html From among these selecting, inserting the child which shines in purple and the child which shines in the green alternately, between only button type of the garnet, a liberal translation 从在这些之中选择,插入在紫色和孩子发光轮流地发光以绿色的孩子,在石榴石之间的仅按钮类型
- 5-16:紡ぎの言葉【1】
http://aruh1n0s0ra.blog.shinobi.jp/Entry/221/ When it goes with this condition, as for five chapters going to somewhere? 它何时连同这个条件,如的去某处的五个章节?
Lapis lazuli, Avocation,