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○■ これ、見れば見る ど感嘆しち... If this, you see, the extent which is seen you admire and it is the work where the [chi] [ya] [u] very the hand is packed
○■ As for this [negima]! Wit h green onion and tuna [negima]! The green onion and the tuna affinity are preeminent!! It is the one item which would like to have eating this regardless!, a liberal translation
○■ かなり練りに練っ 検討した分... Considerably, kneading in kneading, because amount and the completion which it examined were good it is joy
○■ そして正月用の売 残り?が、... And unsold item for New Year's Day? Seems that suddenly becomes cheap
○■ By the way also the clam is eaten in as luck ones, that time is a custom which the body two is inserted in one shellfish so is, the [chi] it is from the celebration of first paragraph phrase, there is no with something, to usual event converting, this year being your 3rd birthday, both houses getting together in the event of such season even when without, the celebration is possible, also the shank and next year everyone being even vigorously with delightful thing, way it celebrates,
○■ 今日は私の30ン歳 誕生日
そ... Today birthday and poult celebration of my 30 [n] years
○■ さて本日のランチ ニューのご... Well it is the guide of the lunch menu of this day
○■ “- It is, start!”The multitude runs out simultaneously with signal, (the foot is fast the person where the advantage?? ) Inside and others, start, a liberal translation
○■ ● 昨日の晩の 内 ゃん... - The [ya] it is among evenings of yesterday to play, becoming tired, you sleep and the [chi] [ya] [tsu] are (the ^▽^;)
○■ ハマグリ料理がと も美味しいで... As for the area where it has the fact that it appears even in that famous cartoon 'tastiness grommet [bo] whose clam cooking is tasty very and is' it is the store of the happiness which skill it is possible the [ma] and, 'river city' is
○■ ミニコース
■4200 (税... Mini- course ■4200 circle (including tax the seriousness body of the) Chinese cold greens five kind quantity adjusting [taraba] crab entering [hukahiresupu] life clam and simply leaf package steaming soup side or chaofan dessert two point quantity of the lotus of oven burning attaching silver [dara] of the stake various vegetable of the frying cow filet meat of [hotate
○■ アサリやハマグリ 約1トン放... The short-necked clam and the clam are discharged approximately 1 tons, so is, but you are disgusted and the [ya] are enormous, a liberal translation
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