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○■ 北朝鮮崩壊の時、 舶がないから... At the time of the North Korean collapse, because there is no ship, the refugee does not come to Japan
○■ If of current Okinawa pre sent condition is thought, there is no conclusion above this”, you said
○■ もちろん、自由裁 権は与えられ... Of course, discretion right is not given
○■ Why recently during sever al years, Japan becoming their targets?
○■ たとえそれが、無 の被爆者や核... Even if, assuming that, means the countless bombing victim and the nuclear victim,, a liberal translation
○■ If as for this people the y are the personal affairs which are not possible
○■ これでは先進国か も相手にされ... Now the selfishness at will being done to peripheral countries even from advanced nation to the partner, when “you think regrettably via Ministry of Foreign Affairs
○■ “As for the Democratic party the opposition party becoming dim does not heal, as for the Liberal Democratic Party the ruling party becoming dim has not healed
○■ 「政権交代が実現 ても、それ自... “Administration alternation actualizing, it probably does not mean to solve the problems which has held itself the country at a stroke, a liberal translation
○■ 菅 The prime minister in the opposition party, is in the midst of conceiving, participation to of the “revival execution headquarters” was called, but it denied the early resignation which the Liberal Democratic Party is required, showed continuation throwing desire
○■ 民主党は衆議院の は人数に余裕... As for the Democratic party as for the House of Representatives one there is a room in number of people, but because House of Councillors Assemblyman is last, when Ozawa and together Councilor leaves the party, 菅 administration is not to be unable to collapse
○■ There was social citizen combination and social democracy combination before the Democratic party
○■ 安倍氏が取り上げ のは、民主党... The problem which put out the party flag where as for Abe picking up, the Democratic party cuts the flag of the circle of day and Hari does
○■ As for ternary Prime Mini ster Shin Abe until recently, doubt of enormous illegal donation was hung on “in Ozawa
○■ 10数分ニュースを してデパ地... Letting flow over 10 minute news, you don't think that the [depa] underground, the large family, the Chinese noodles, sport and the entertainment etc etc it is strange? Although the news which the Japanese citizen should know is Sawayama it does not try to announce
○■ (Product sutra news) Prim e Minister as for the qualification which barks in your this boy who escapes the [ma] side, a liberal translation
○■ 麻生太郎自民党総 は、演説終... Liberal Democratic Party President Taro Aso after the speech ending shook hands with individual entering in the audience,, a liberal translation
○■ As for Junichiro Koizumi at time of postal services commercialization…
○■ 自民党路線、バリ リですね~... The Liberal Democratic Party route, in the Bali Bali shank ~
○■ I am approval in this pro position
○■ 政治の役割復興の 写真を早急... Show the blueprint of role revival of politics urgently
○■ Ichiro Ozawa is supported , the political world [gorotsuki] group, a liberal translation
○■ 「小沢と鳩ポッポ 人望がない... “Ozawa and pigeon [potsupo] there is no popularity, it is!”
○■ But Emperor Showa with lo ngevity as many as 41 years reigned from that day, in addition at that time also Japan grew, economy became advanced nation, overcame the wound of defeat
○■ さて、高山の皆さ ... Well, everyone of high mountain, a liberal translation
○■ In case of Prime Minister Hatoyama, in comparison with such successive prime minister perhaps the serious illness
○■ だからってのも、 ンだけど... Therefore but [tsu] [te], hen, a liberal translation
○■ Therefore, the recording [a] ~ which reaches to also 6 hour half, it is wasted, a liberal translation
○■ 「三島由紀夫も谷 先生の本の... “Also Yukio Mishima writing the explanation of the book of Mr. Taniguti, the betta [bo] rice it is respecting extent teacher, as for the person who has entered into the house of growth with the member “of meeting of the shield” suitable it was
○■ Prime minister re-going t o the mound of Abe Shin three person, not only Japan, is necessary also because of the security system of northeast Asia and the world