- May be linked to more detailed information..
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/kintaro-chance/e/d745ddd6cd9986a892c1fb9cb98fad41 Even if, assuming that, means the countless bombing victim and the nuclear victim,, a liberal translation Mesmo se, supor isso, meios a vítima incontável do bombardeio e a vítima nuclear,
- higashinihon dai shinsai karano fukkou niha kyoudo ai to yume wo
http://blog.livedoor.jp/cancerkiller173/archives/1467760.html Even if, you think even with the sufferer that it is possible to look at dream, Mesmo se, você pensa mesmo com o sofredor que é possível olhar o sonho,
- Japanese talking
http://ameblo.jp/bugaraya/entry-10518525993.html Even if, even foolishly, we does not do story with the eye line it is great, as for the commentator of such [kiyara] however certainly it is not, don't you think? Mesmo se, mesmo insensata, nós não fazemos a história com a linha que do olho é grande, quanto para ao comentador de tais [kiyara] entretanto certamente ele não é, você não pensa?
- Say that April 23rd (the gold) some rain is many, the bamboo saw of after the rain will not and
http://igajin.blog.so-net.ne.jp/2010-04-23 Even if assuming that, was the road of [ibara], ...... Mesmo se supor isso, era a estrada de [o ibara], ......
Abe Shinzo, Politics ,