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○■ いつもは元旦にだ な様の実家... Always, it is New Year's Day, it is it goes to greeting, in the way parents' home which is, but because this year the parents are not travelling, freely and easily to 4 days
○■ Because url sort you spea k the one which is not having, until now with [kochira], don't you think? please comment unhesitantly, meaning ♪ selfish thing, [sumimasen, a liberal translation
○■ 少し早く家を出て 日没前の... Coming out of the house a little more quickly, because promenade… still the clean rose was a large quantity, you took the several hours park before the sunset
○■ また行きたい、行 たい、行... In addition we would like to go, we would like to go, we would like to go
○■ So, most, being serious, the strain and the aloofness which you challenge lively you sing the fact that it does not change, you want 凛 with the appearance which is done
○■ ちゃんとしたレス ランで... Something you do not eat at the restaurant which is done properly the [tsu] [chi] [ya]!
○■ 今年のクリスマス ブも雪~来年... Christmas eve of this year snow ~ next year the kana ~ which how becomes (the ^^), a liberal translation
○■ With present exchange it will submit the lease which with “fall was made the color hydrangea” of junko-mama which, is in the home how probably will scratch it was in time
○■ やっぱり人間、一 ところで立ち... After all, the human, it does not halt at one place, it is with the shank, a liberal translation
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