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○■ こちらへ来るのは 回目です... Time it is 3rd to come to this,, a liberal translation
○■ “8 as for difference of 10?”When with it visits, because you say, that the hors d'oeuvre and the like is attached 10 to, in 10 it did
○■ 「雑感、雑記」カ ゴリの最新... It seems to be the hot way the up-to-date article “of miscellaneous impressions and miscellaneous” category the cold way… Aggregate power special edition god of wealth garden place 'baccarat eternal… 2011 December 13th 14:15 in promotion of health effective coccyx of 16 second yawns warm
○■ 「お山の日記」カ ゴリの最新... “Up-to-date article #206 of diary” category of mountain - '11. Drying persimmon #205 - '11. Bullet tour phone 232 - '11. Snow road #196 - '11. Weekend in field village #195 - '11. As for mountain
○■ To pass the daytime when Saturday it goes back and forth to the Nagoya port after a long time at the house of the kindred of Minato-ku, because with special care it came, when it keeps seeing even with [irumi] of the port -? With the notion that where you say being evening, as for [irumi] of the port which it has sending to the Nagoya port the fireworks rise on the 24th is unprecedented, so is, but because that time to come there is no [re], the truth which [irumi] distantly looks at the boat is to be the schedule which copies [irumi] of another place to the return, but also [irumi] of the port being fairly well clean, satisfaction you became tired intimately and it is cold after and with because opening the photograph of the boat which returns everywhere with not approaching (laughing) after the stripe shank - just a little the cute scene you could see New Year's Day please do in the pleasure 'minato illuminato' * Book of Ise bay marine transport %
○■ android携帯からの投 稿... Contribution from android carrying, a liberal translation
○■ 今年やり残した事 ありません... This year you do and looking back a little, perhaps that it leaves whether it is not, also it is good to try remembering,
○■ 2011年12月13日(火 ... 2011 December 13th (fire) fine weather by [kiyotaka
○■ [buroguneta]: Illuminatio n we would like to see? While participating you saw, it meets well and it is [metsuchiya] clean, don't you think? well…However something you do not know, you think that the feeling [irumi] [wa] lover which, would like to go to seeing extremely what you see as the person is [ichiha] ゙ [n] whether city at all inside [kore] which is there is no clean [ji] [ya] being [a] [kore] raw well, we would like to see, a liberal translation
○■ 今日はよくネコに います... Today meets to the cat well, a liberal translation
○■ This year and this year d ecorating the illumination of the Chuo Ku Omori stand autonomous hall was worried in the autonomous hall a thing of illuminational earthquake disaster partly due
○■ 「今日の出来事」 テゴリの最... You walk ploddingly “from up-to-date article Kawahata of present occurrence” category and the work where the evening sun appears in the morning positive Ariake Sea like the tangerine increases,… the round rice-cake
○■ sns Siwasu Christmas whic h “it accompanies and the up-to-date article of [zu] [re]” category this wooden some wooden [chi] [yo] is finally quick
○■ イルミネーション のロゴなの... It is to be logograph of the illuminational wind, but
○■ Up-to-date article “[ui ki] [pe] [deia]” “of enjoyment life” category (wikimedia) it contributed, a liberal translation
○■ 「日記」カテゴリ 最新記事... Up-to-date article reindeer fool noche “of diary” category nueva [life] all i want for [酔] our 虐 with camouflaging, buoyant [going out] the result of this year [the television] [dream] [life, a liberal translation
○■ クリスマスイブは しで25日で... There is no Christmas eve with in 25 days the shank, a liberal translation
○■ In combination to the pip e organ in the night when also with tree 13mm of [kuinzusukuea] it is illumination changes fantastically, so it is regrettable to be the daytime when is, a liberal translation
○■ 「自然・遊び」カ ゴリの最新... Bus tour Asakusa up-to-date article Gotenba “of nature play” category the stand place Atami plum garden, the fine arts museum round which is from liquidambar carrying, a liberal translation
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