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○■ スーパーの果物売 場にはぴか... The strawberry whether in the super fruit counter the [pi] or the [pi] of lines up, in the neighboring station illumination of [kirakira
○■ やっぱりこの自由 感じ好きだ... After all this free feeling we like! With, you thought freshly, (the human ´∀ `*)
○■ After all, therefore Chri stmas the people of the married couple and the couple and the parent and child were the large quantity, a liberal translation
○■ なんていう事は出 ません(笑... How, it is not possible to say, (laughing) there is schedule in various ways and is
○■ ちょうど撮影して た時に、「... When photographing exactly, the “marine rouge” entering port, it was clean, a liberal translation
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