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○■ 今回は2年生の宿 であった... This time it starts from report of the collection of books list of the library where it is the 2nd grade assignment, a liberal translation
○■ Because as for height alt hough 2cm it has extended, when weight has decreased does from the mother, you played to the enviable summer all the way, kana, a liberal translation
○■ 身長は去年より二 ンチ伸びてい... Height had extended two centimeters than last year
○■ 昨日はっ次男むっ ぃの1歳7ヶ... Yesterday was 1 year old 7 month medical examinations of the [tsu] next man [mu] [tsu] [chi] [i], (the no
○■ Yesterday, it went to the parenting center of neighborhood* The last time, at the time of book start, the schedule chart of the event of parenting center it was received in the picture book and simultaneous, however it is, yesterday was day of body measurement of one time in month, therefore it is with (^-^) exactly 1 months ago (4 months and 10 days after the raw) in the medical examination, height 61.8cm weight 7460g and yesterday (5 months and 11 days after the raw), height 65.5cm weight 8440g properly is done different from the medical examination which, it wears the clothes measurement while that it is not accurate, assuming, the woman of 5 months after the raw as for 8 kilometers (the ¯◇¯*However) 2 mothers of the girl of 6 months it had making speak Toshi, “it is much larger than the child inside, (laughing)” with
○■ 年長さんからクラ ごとに測定し... From seniority keeping measuring in every class, more and more young…, a liberal translation
○■ 大丈夫なのか?! ってる子が多... Being all right?! Knowing, because the [ru] child is many, with respect to of tension was the [tsu] [chi] [ya] [tsu] [te] [ru] like
○■ 今日は息子の3歳児 健診&娘の1... Today with 3 year old child medical examinations of the son & 10 month medical examinations of the daughter and vaccination of [hibu] rushingly the ~ was 1 days (¯▽¯) first from [kiroku] of the son
○■ 今日は、身体測定 日だったので... Because today was day of body measurement, it went to the child mansion, as for measuring properly, since 1 year old physical checkups whether
○■ そして、言った通 の動きをしな... As and, said, unless it moves, “it is different with voice of [kire] feeling!”Is “more!!”Is it is to say
○■ So, but well body measure ment or internal medicine medical examination or the present red sandal wood, the picture you saw and barely there was an abnormality in the heart and the [tsu] [te] was written, a liberal translation
○■ さて、最初の目標 った1週間、... Well, 1 weeks which are first goal, it ended safely
○■ Gradually to be, you are possible also the toy of the bath and serve and with thing, the duck which loves the strawberry (it is fixed turn of the bath, don't you think?) it had buying, a liberal translation
○■ お昼に食べるもの ない…どうし... There are no any which are eaten in the noon…
○■ The ☆< bud wild pink > producing the toy of the car at the room, you play and increase pass throwing when you show, “being able to connect with interest Tsu 々, -” with the friend who has the following car it was, the wild pink did also body measurement, the friend who looks at the picture book being, “eye eye” “elephant” and so on it reached the point where you teach -
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