- Size of this month
http://kazt.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2010/08/post-aba0.html Height, 1 centimeters extended in one month! Quite it is the spirit like whether it recovers the stop period of several months ago of!! Because you do not eat weight, it does not change, it is, but… (even then, it does just [u] ○ [ko] properly all the way, it is, don't you think? the ~, wonder… laughing) ¡La altura, 1 centímetro extendió en un mes! ¡Es absolutamente el alcohol como del si recupera el período de la parada hace de varios meses!! Porque usted no come el peso, no cambia, es, pero… ¿(incluso entonces, él hace apenas el ○ [u] [ko] correctamente hasta el final, él es, usted no piensa? el ~, la maravilla… riendo)
- Height
http://muguet.blog.shinobi.jp/Entry/773/ Height extending, 5mm it increased, - Altura que extiende, 5m m que aumentó, -
- Vaccination and 1 month medical examinations
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/simoji_may/e/8bbf028239e3b8d1295dee6a9e287a0c Height: 54,1cm, a liberal translation Altura: los 54,1cm
- To learn more, ask bloggers to link to.
http://saku-air.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2011/05/post-e3e4.html Height approximately 1㎝ extended in approximately 1 months, however finally it exceeds the 102㎝, as for weight finally as for the thrust 16㎏ stand unexpected was short in the 17㎏ stand, is La altura 1㎝ extendió aproximadamente en aproximadamente 1 mes, no obstante finalmente excede el 102㎝, en cuanto a peso finalmente en cuanto al soporte del empuje 16㎏ inesperado era corto en el soporte 17㎏, es
Body measurement, Health, Education,