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○■ とりあえず清潔と 湿を引き続... Temporarily, it continues and heart per seat increases the cleanliness and preservation moisture
○■ ということで、健 は終了... With the notion that where you say, as for the medical examination end
○■ So, Oga old city of becom ing such a doubtful system as for the cause…With care of the sewing involving laggard [ru] bell cell, Oga which is not body measurement
○■ ちーちゃん、とっ もいい子で... The [chi] -, it rode with the very good child
○■ 「早く会いたいね と言ってて... “Don't you think? we would like to meet quickly”, that saying, the [te], it went to play at last in the house of the kindred where timing is not agreeable easily, - the older sister of the cousin of [danna] properly these two men, [ikumi, a liberal translation
○■ 学祭というと、み なで盛り上... When you mention study festival, rising with everyone, you think that there is the [wa] like feeling, it is, but completely it is not and the [te] does not inhale (laughing) with is
○■ ほしぐみさんは「 体測定」を... Desired desired the [gu] seeing the [gu] which the school lunch which does “body measurement” the large quantity is eaten seeing, your every friend weight up after that as for the children who played with the garden where it had become large garden to cold how with the [tsu] [chi] [ya] and others, at the tricycle and the sand box court played with the favorite toy
○■ 怒るだろうな、怖 んだなあ、... You get angry, probably will be, we fear, it is, as for the lump, a liberal translation
○■ It is different from the pediatrician which is accustomed to the treatment of the child you thought that is,, a liberal translation
○■ 先週の金曜日に保 園で身体測... Because Friday of last week there was body measurement in the nursery school, don't you think? you write
○■ When leaving the nursery school, it was the meeting which, is mood enormously but… at the hospital, for body measurement when the clothes we assume, that deviation from so, the injection you misunderstood to seem,
○■ 今日は久々のお休 で暇なので... Because today with the after a long time is spare time day off, you think and it is soliloquize from [tsu] drill morning
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