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○■ ということで2日 と同じバルへ... With going to the same val as 2nd day with the notion that where you say and the stomach doing and others obtaining, walking and returning to the hotel it receives the baggage which it has deposited, a liberal translation
○■ これは我が家の壁 つくった... It made this in the wall of the pad
○■ Remainder even with me wh o do not know, glance seeing, the [a] - as for this Picasso, as for this the Rohto wreck…Because the [tsu] [te] it is understood, the enormous artist overflows in personality, is after the shelf, only-too-natural thing was thought, a liberal translation
○■ ありがとうござい した!)
シ... Thank you! ) Renewal existence of the Citroen Chiba official sight it makes, with…
○■ 3. 保有期間 3 年以
「... 3. Holding period new rice 6kg of farm-fresh “of town Hokkaido Higashikawa Cho of 3 years or more photograph”, and the original calendar which uses this corporation handling photograph contents
○■ 1. my harlot broker 2. Pi casso 3 whom you laugh. The fish 4 which is drowned. human rubbish 5. bluesmen - mc- 6. The planetarium 7 which falls in the darkness. The wing 8. Feeling kudzu. Boundary line 9. Illness [mu] sky - mc- 10. 11 where it blooms in the basement. black box 12. reincarnation 13. Element clear [rashiki] 忌 々 [shisa] 14. walking ashland 15. stand by me 16. (music) - en1- 17. The new tune which does not have tune name - en2- 18. (chaos) 19. praparat
○■ 昨日は朝一で耳鼻 に行きまし... Yesterday went to the nose and ears course at morning one
○■ 今年はブリジスト 美術館の開... This year with opening 60th anniversary commemoration of the Bridgestone fine arts museum, special spreading/displaying of title it is in the midst of holding
○■ ピカソルはソフト イプのクッ... The cookie of software type being tasty, we love [pikasoru
○■ The air which would not l ike to ride in the last vehicle on the subway the middle which returns to the Barcelona hotel doing, when it rode in the vehicle before that, quarrel started by the last vehicle
○■ word /oink
ヒズミ... w ord /oink [hizumikaru] /the zoot16 already steady/Tokyo [sukaparadaisuokesutorapaburo] Picasso/doberman bring ON nutty stomper fun/oi-skall mates standing revolution /the blue donuts hey little rich girl (the specials cover) /skavenjah 28 year old/[repitsushiyu
○■ Because it is not the col lection which is decorated in the fine arts museum and the residence of the individual, to applying, therefore it made and be possible to change and was not to insert the writing brush and just you piled up, the veneer, there is no damage
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