- Present Google (213)
http://gingingin-zo.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2012/03/google213-d4ce.html With the latest logograph attention ......The [tsu] [te] the kana whose it is difficult to say,, a liberal translation Avec la dernière attention de logograph ...... [tsu] [te] le kana dont il est difficile de dire,
- original letters
http://hmorita.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2010/05/post-58fb.html This time, arranging the frame of the picture which is stolen at outside, actual place the image which has been verified was flowing Cette fois, arrangeant l'armature de l'image qui est volée à dehors, l'endroit réel l'image qui a été vérifiée coulait
- Japanese Letter
http://blog.livedoor.jp/shezuka6242/archives/51724697.html As for the latest tent � especially being conscious of dvd conversion song and performance were good Quant au dernier � de tente étant particulièrement conscient de la chanson et de l'exécution de conversion de dvd étaient bons
- original letters
http://kirakiraboshiboshi.cocolog-nifty.com/kirakira/2010/07/nothing-gonne-s.html This time there, sculpture was displayed, a liberal translation Cette fois là, la sculpture a été montrée
Picasso, Music, Artistic,