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○■ 国立新美術館
○■ roppongi の kokuritusinb izyutukan 月 gatu niti から kaisai て い
○■ そこ て hairi たく かっ 道路 douro menomae
○■ 土曜日 doyoubi 塾 zyu ku に行って niitte 彼 kare が の 塾 zyuku が お休み oyasumi
○■ の e 天気 tenki が yo i tomodati ixtu たら
○■ オルセー bizyutukan t en roppongi の kokuritusinbizyutukan 8 月 gatu niti kaisai れ て い
○■ Please note that the li nked pages are in Japanese.
○■ bouzitu roppongi 「 koku ritusinbizyutukan 終了 syuuryou 間際 magiwa ( 1gatu niti 終了 syuuryou の 「 domani 明 aki 日展 nitten を mi
○■ These are talking of Ja panese blogoholic.
○■ という 帰還 kikan や kitaku
○■ Translated into English to Japanese text for multilingual communication.
○■ kyou 平日 heizitu 月 getuyou kokuritusinbizyutukan 場所 basyo へ ki て オルセー bizyutukan ten 「 ポスト insyouha ten て ~ の を mi の
○■ You did, after a long tim e the national new fine arts museum
○■ recommendation , suggest ions, consideration, sentiment , opinion , statument,
○■ The guidebook was gotten with Roppongi Hills, but in any case the event the large quantity!
Focusing on the Roppongi Hills Tokyo [mitsudotaun] national new fine arts museum, art it is event jostling
○■ Yesterday the company goi ng to bed, faced to Ueno first, a liberal translation
○■ That or you thought it pr obably will go with the fine arts museum something, because uninformed, as for weekday being less crowded, you thought as [ru] expectation, is, but large congestion, a liberal translation
○■ As for the place where it goes to van Gogh spreading/displaying…
○■ Don't you think? the Hana mi promenade ~ (the ´∀ `), rear Roppongi Hills being clear, however feeling it was good, just a little was cold to the town ~ Mouri garden mid- the national new fine arts museum ~, the ~ (the ^^;)
○■ At the forest fine arts m useum which is Roppongi Hills, it went to the Boston fine arts museum spreading/displaying which starts from yesterday right away
○■ It offers Japanese Trend , bandwagons , epidemic and Recent fashion in English.
○■ It offers the bloggerel of Japanese.
○■ roppongi tyoume の kuni 。 。 bizyutukan へ
○■ These are many word of blog in Japanese the most recent topics.
○■ Saturday, “[ruvuru] fin e arts museum spreading/displaying” it went to view to the friend and the national new fine arts museum
The National Art Center,