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○■ 北朝鮮の核開発と 常戦力の訓練... The North Korean nuclear development and usually training the war potential, when the North Korean United States and Korea peaceful agreement plan and cease-fire agreement cancellation proposition you think of that it is portion in the grand strategy which becomes united, whether the point of the Iranian and North Korea military cooperation relationship is somewhere becomes clear
○■ As for the North Korean o btaining of foreign money activity “loyalty. ” The foreign currency it makes and “the crowd foreign currency to make”, it is divided into two
○■ 北朝鮮による国際 な
保。詐欺... The international preservation which is according to North Korea. The actual condition of fraud
○■ 北朝鮮がなんやら いていますが... North Korea has screamed what, but what probably will be bitten last struggling which the feeling, the stripe shank, a liberal translation
○■ Kim Jong-Il himself has b een conscious in the shade of the consecutive movement, don't you think? it probably is “to age”
○■ ジョンウン氏は中 に一度も来た... As for [jiyonun] also one time has not come to China
○■ [obama] American administ ration May 31 when incident occurred, early requested investigation execution from Israel, but [netaniyahu] administration did not make attitude clear
○■ オバマ大統領とど かの国の大統... The kiss whose president [otsusan] of the country whether [obama] president and the [do] [tsu] of is hot was done, a liberal translation
○■ Or as for this, being the rule which the heaven programs true Japan and in order to recover the Japanese?, a liberal translation
○■ その結果が、09 の衆院総選挙... The result, probably is produced to the result of the House of Representatives general election of 09 years
○■ これが北朝鮮の思 闘争指令に従... This the North Korean thought. The Japanese plum discernment Hiromasa right revolution by the spy whom you follow fight order. It means that it was link of plan,
○■ Establishment of the “K im Jong-Il bodyguards Japanese branch” is the tip causing [re] w, a liberal translation
○■ 「北朝鮮系企業の 治献金を隠蔽... In order “to conceal the political donation of the North Korean enterprise, 菅 without being the illegal political donation which detours Naoto's political financial management group?”With it is the reason which is doubted
○■ Korea and the United Stat es request the stop as a most preferential condition of 6 national conference reopening, but North Korea while we assuming, that “it does not oppose to argue uranium enrichment problem with 6 national conferences,” refuses the stop of 6 national conference reopening ago, a liberal translation
○■ 自分自身を大切に ている気持ち... It is not anything less than the feeling which make by your important
○■ そして、「従北」 イトに金円正... And, in “secondary north” sight gold circular correct day righteousness. The father and son is applauded, “in you the bulletin board which publishes the poem which is lowered” was drawn up, the original poem 331 work which was moved aside from member 324 was published
○■ Germany Japanese plum dis cernment Hiroshi who is in the midst of visiting ([i] [miyonbaku]) Korean president when 9th in the afternoon (the Japanese time same day nighttime), North Korea agrees to nuclear abandonment, the North Korean Kim Jong-Il ([kimu] [jiyoniru]) stated the thought of inviting the General Secretary to the 2nd nuclear preservation summit which 2012 spring is opened in Seoul
○■ 北朝鮮(朝鮮民主 義人民共... That North Korea (the Democratic Peoples's Republic of Korea) the Kim Jong-Il General Secretary passed away, reporting was done, a liberal translation
○■ 2010/06/2208: 53 In the severe heat where air temperature reaches to 50 degrees with the Iraqi southern part, the fact that the protest demonstration where the inhabitants who get angry to the power failure which occurs frequently are extreme has expanded was accepted, [wahido] electrical phase of the same country on the 21st, stated resignation
○■ 民主党政権は八年 ら十二年続... The Democratic party administration 12 year continues from eight
○■ On the other hand, as for the United States putting in place the Korean Peninsula nuclear problem, Korea developing and possessing the nuclear weapon detruding nuclear weapon non spread system, you insist that you menace the American safety from the terrorist group,, a liberal translation
○■ 北朝鮮は日本を北 鮮は日本を... As for North Korea Japan as for North Korea having tried probably to shoot Japan it does not make the missile, a liberal translation
○■ As for North Korea in the world of world trade, because it is regarded the country which cannot rely on risk high, international joint venture of the North Korean enterprise number is little
○■ とはいえ本当に疲 てたり、気... When with say truly are to become tired the [ri] and feeling do not ride, however you do not read, don't you think? the ~, a liberal translation
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