- The oriental mystery, a liberal translation
http://mblg.tv/205815/entry/94/ The kiss whose president [otsusan] of the country whether [obama] president and the [do] [tsu] of is hot was done, a liberal translation O beijo cujo presidente [otsusan] do país de se [obama] o presidente e [faça] [tsu] está quente foi feito
- Japanese Letter
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/kanayame_47/e/24ea86981482a2b8c00c0bedd2efbf01 [obama], [puchin] and 胡 brocade 涛, competing with Kim Jong-Il evenly, you must protect Japan,, a liberal translation [obama], [puchin] e 涛 de brocado do 胡, competindo com Kim Jong-Il uniformente, você deve proteger Japão,
- Japanese weblog
http://blog.livedoor.jp/gold_7777/archives/51461606.html As for [obama] the race mixture which is named the [ahurikan] American Quanto para [obama] à mistura da raça que é nomeada o americano [ahurikan
- 米政府が3月にカーター元大統領の訪朝を打診し北に拒否されていた
http://tokutake.at.webry.info/200904/article_14.html [obama] visiting, visiting Kim Jong-Il the day when you embrace probably will be close [obama] visitando, Kim Jong-Il de visita o dia quando você abraça provavelmente será próximo
- 北朝鮮のロケット
http://marukobunko.blog.so-net.ne.jp/2009-04-04 The maggot [te] it did America which selects [obama] harshly and was restricted A larva [te] fêz América que seleciona [obama] áspera e foi restrito
Kim Jong-il, Politics ,