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○■ kin sei nichi sou shoki ha 2002 nen 2 gatsu ni dousha gendai ka notameno �� hai �� kin �� 100 man �� wo sou tsurani okuri �� dounen 10 gatsu 21 nichi niha dousha wo genchi shidou
○■ As for gold General Secre tary succession the Mitsuo correct cloud person, national intelligence institute, that the Kim Jong-Il General Secretary designated Mitsuo to the successor, reporting flowed even with formality verification cnn
○■ Trade ministers from Chin a and Japan and South Korea yesterday praised efforts to explore a potential joint free trade deal to boost commerce among three of Asia's biggest economies.
South Korean Trade Minister Kim Jong-hoon, Chinese Commerce Minister Chen Deming and Japanese Economy and Trade and Industry Minister Masayuki Naoshima met in Seoul for one day of talks.
The three countries, which represent 18.6 percent of the global economy as measured by gross domestic product and have been holding… As for Korea and trade minister of state, China and Japan, yesterday and commercial trade minister of state, Chen Deming and the Japanese economy, Chinese, hmm three Asian largest economies which is during the trade transaction which raises the free trade agreement which searches joint praise latent effort
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