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○■ この辺りは蛇の巣� ��あるのかマム... _ this around snake nest be or mamushi including many snake
○■ When it is vague a little , being accustomed is necessary, but identification is possible by the fact that you look at the head, a liberal translation
○■ 子供の頃見た時も� ��初はアリだ... When time of the child seeing, first it is to think that it is the ant, but pulling the thread, because it kept escaping, that it is the meaning which you think whether there is no spider,
○■ 去年も実がなった� ��に花に気が... Although last year became actual, purple which about 1 where does not perceive to the flower is small and is it was unexpected, a liberal translation
○■ ところで、著者の� ��察に賛同を... Although by the way, you approve in consideration of the author, the answering for long time doubt being obtained, you will be clear, the intolerable nothingness impression and helpless impression, the darkness we would like to point out also that you feel,
○■ そういえば!新。� ��でも掲載さ... So, if you say! New. And so on with it was published, but cow [gaeru] large. Death has become topic
○■ When it does for a while, it is accustomed with it is to think, but! The teacher of the university the [pa] [tsu] chestnut opening the shirt to the 2nd button, [ru] does not accumulate
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