- Mountain greens taking and fish taking ♪, a liberal translation
http://blogs.yahoo.co.jp/hirot_et/28482254.html _ this around snake nest be or mamushi including many snake o _ isto em torno do ninho da serpente seja ou o mamushi que inclui muitos serpenteia
- yuki no tan tori kai
http://aruke.cocolog-nifty.com/aruke/2011/02/post-1b20.html The area of this the remaining snow was dazzling mainly A área disto que a neve restante brilhava principalmente
- Japanese weblog
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/ryu-oumi/e/fda6cbd84a64c4243ddd02ab5613e124 Don't you think? part with naked eye it becomes harsh from around this Você não pensa? parte com olho despido torna-se áspero em torno deste
- 四津山
http://aruke.cocolog-nifty.com/aruke/2009/04/post-63f9.html Village mountain breeze scene around this is good very A cena da brisa da montanha da vila em torno desta é boa muito
Alien species, Nature,