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○■ ですから、本当は 全基準を暫定... Because is, truth now making safety level provisionally, unless now it is already done long ago, is not good, it is
○■ If we assume that is, alt hough it is the expectation evacuation advice may come out, as for the Japanese side as for necessity of evacuation we had assumed that it is not,
○■ それは、彼らが原 力政策を支持... Therefore as for that, they support & promote atomic energy policy the resident of “nuclear unevenness”, is
○■ But, “we want explainin g many of the geographical self-governing community, directly”, that it orders, it does not destroy prudent attitude in driving reopening of the nuclear plant which is in the midst of stopping, a liberal translation
○■ 菅直人首相は10 夕の記者会見... 菅 As for Prime Minister Naoto in press conference of 10 days and nights, “as for the responsibility which cannot prevent accident with Tokyo Electric Power, there is also a government which advances atomic energy policy as national policy in regard to Fukushima 1st nuclear accident, a liberal translation
○■ ------------------------- -------------Year August 5th (the gold) “the grommet [bu] it is akahata” 50 age, to “the peaceful uses of nuclear energy” advertisement nuclear bringing of the United States it is ascertained in the ground breaking American rescindment document
○■ 【日刊 アジアのエ ネルギー... The Chinese crew murder and Myanmar diplomacy
○■ The Tokyo Electric Power Company Fukushima first nuclear accident,
○■ 菅首相、原発収束 で総理歳費... 菅 Prime minister, to nuclear focus prime minister annual expenditure return “accident not preventing responsible” Asahi newspaper 2011 May 10th 18:28, a liberal translation
○■ The Tokyo Electric Power Fukushima 1st nuclear power plant thing…菅 The energy plan second look statement of prime minister and nuclear 5 percentage dependence goal - wsj Japanese edition - jp
○■ 原発政策推進は、 力安定供給... Nuclear policy promotion not only electrical stability supply, means even healthily of the citizen to contribute greatly, a liberal translation
○■ It stops the development of the atomic energy and with it does not say
○■ そして、電池の開 に力を入れ... And, effort should be put into development of the electric battery,
○■ And, it is after all to s hould promote electrical freeing,
○■ これまでの歴代の の主人達が... Bill of the atomic energy policy promotion which the masters of the former successive horse did and are wrong, coming here,
○■ This was start of modern times, the human won absolute God, or it is the declaration which has become the God the human in the ground
○■ 【福島原発】5/25/ ★ブ... 5/25/waters* The China syndrome as a black joke 1/2 5/25/waters* The China syndrome as a black joke 2/2
○■ Or up-to-date article “ 8 capital prefectural decontamination object enlargement” “Prometheus “of weblog” category trap protection… “it occupies Tokyo” what it commutes “from the wall '?'” “Temporary dwelling residents' association establishment 6 percentage” “Prometheus trap… “the optical anonymous prosecution rhinoceros… which instant of the electron is cut off” ““the deviation from nuclear demonstration net ties”, “Prometheus trap…
○■ 首相の要請を受け れるかを議... That in the board of directors which was argued whether it accepts the request of the prime minister, heated discussion was exchanged it is reported, but as for we have decided to accepting the request of the prime minister who does not have legal basis after all, it wasn't fear to the enormous earthquake perhaps tomorrow it occurs?
○■ 菅 The empty presumes th e speech and behavior of the prime minister, from work of earthquake disaster revival, consciousness has been inclined to nuclear accident
○■ 福島第一原発事故 降、原発が... After the Fukushima first nuclear accident, the nuclear plant is and the citizen threatens after, a liberal translation
○■ Fukushima 1st nuclear acc ident was received, Fukushima prefecture on the 27th, targeting all the prefectural people 2,000,000 human remainders which include the evacuation inhabitant set the policy of executing long-term healthy investigation
○■ 日本が現在の中国 ように高度... Japan the present Chinese way there being on midst of high-level economic growth, certainly the times when it is the circumstance where electric power supply is not enough decisively, there being also a national policy, as for investment to the nuclear plant you bore the profit
○■ The political idea which is related to the nuclear plant
○■ 原発の新規建設計 の中止や浜... The abolition of FCC “Monju” and the used nuclear fuel reprocessing plant which utilize the deliberate abolition and plutonium of existing nuclear plant such as discontinuance and Hamaoka of new construction plan of the nuclear plant is requested
○■ While simply, accident of the Fukushima nuclear plant does not focus, argument
○■ しかし実は日本共 党は過去に... But to tell the truth as for the Japanese Japan Communist Party past, you approve the Soviet and China of that time nuclear test, separating the atomic and hydrogen bombs prohibition motion in the nonpartisan, a liberal translation
○■ ●111016asuriname, stabr oeknews.com Surinam, bosom it forces, suriname oil company eying hydropower paramaribo, ethanol pilot-project in wageningen and the oil company is also eyeing suriname's hydro-electric potential where also the shank and [ahobaka] hydraulic power come out on reverse side of the earth. it is seriously studying the tapanahony-jaikreek project (tapajai-project) .ministry of natural resources (nh), president desi bouterse, under the brokopondo agreement, van blommenstein reservoir belongs to suralco/alcoa, tapajai-project, tapanahony river, jaikreek and afobaka hydropower plant
○■ 24000菅首相、原発 存見... 24000 菅 prime minister, statement nuclear dependence second look: Politics: yomiurionline (the Yomiuri Shimbun Company) 2011 May 11th, a liberal translation
○■ In addition as for the pr ime minister, until from the June this year goal of focus is in sight to Fukushima first nuclear accident, the thought of returning annual expenditure as a prime minister was stated, a liberal translation