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○■ マイクロシーベルト
○■ Tokyo Electric Power Comp any does, “it makes cooling the reactor prefer, (is a possibility of radioactive physical discharge and) also can cool the spent fuel that we would like that, but restoration time is opaque to try”, a liberal translation
○■ March 19th (Saturday) 13: 14 point in time approximately 17cpm (approximately 0.17 micro sieverts)
○■ It is, it is 1/1000000 si evert
○■ “Because we fear the ra dioactivity, that you evacuate to Kansai” there was an interview image which is said
○■ '“It does not become” , “it is careless”, that it is simple to yell,
○■ 2011 March 16 date rai ([ rai]: The Italian government-managed broadcast) the article (you can read how long, however it is unclear,), a liberal translation