- The radiation dose decreases with drainage job of early dawn, a liberal translation
http://ameblo.jp/vanbino2006/entry-10834806456.html Drainage job in order 3 to increase the water level of the used nuclear fuel storage pool of the machine, hyper rescue party of Tokyo fire fighting agency executed 19th 1:10 extending through from 0:30 AM 排水设备工作按顺序3增加机器的使用的核燃料存贮水池的水平面,东京消防代办处亢奋抢救队执行了第19 1:10贯穿从0:30上午
- Para traducir la conversacion en Japon.
http://ameblo.jp/prostaff-db95/entry-10834203258.html Tokyo Electric Power Company does, “it makes cooling the reactor prefer, (is a possibility of radioactive physical discharge and) also can cool the spent fuel that we would like that, but restoration time is opaque to try”, a liberal translation 东京电力公司, “它做冷却反应器更喜欢, (是放射性物理放电的可能性和)能也冷却我们会想要那的失效燃料,但是恢复时间是不透明的尝试”
- Fukushima nuclear power plant accident (N-Power Station at Fukushima), a liberal translation
http://ameblo.jp/takeching/entry-10834204664.html Concerning the spent fuel of the ★4 number furnace, pouring water with the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department riot squad starts, a liberal translation 关于★4数字熔炉的失效燃料,与东京大城市警察局暴乱小队的倾吐的水开始
Microsievert, Reportage, Science,