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○■ It examines, but when nea rly 4 hours being possible to be required to the top, if still sight is bad from the top, because circumstance of the crust cannot be grasped, in addition not to walk, perhaps the [te] whether and it will climb from here and will return, now probably will return to Japan and China it does not become, because there was also a possibility the sunset of doing to parking zone arrival, returning on the same day had decided today, to stay giving up, in the shed, a liberal translation
○■ (寒さは好きではあ りませんが... (As for cold until favorite also morning but) now of every day it comes out outside of the entryway completely, with the snow scratching…, a liberal translation
○■ 10月はカケスを見 通った... October passed by [kakesu] to seeing
○■ Persevering, the [ru] - t he [tsu] lever using the web, and the like you think that it is thing and the important thing which do information dispatch, a liberal translation
○■ 豪雪となっている 方の方々に比... If you compare to the people of the district which becomes the heavy snowfall, it is not to be the 30� puzzle great amount of snow cover, but circumstance plug vaguely because of warm area, the system of snow removal has not been prepared and other than of the thoroughfare is very state
○■ 屋根を急角度にす かよくすべる... Designating the roof as urgent angle, or attaching those like the cover which it slides well when the snow that tries falls naturally, how?
○■ By the way, the “new bridge” first there are about 3 stations, but as for decision at the ground when if anything at the “Ueda/field area”, with the one which it turned the “crane dance line” as for efficiency thinks that it is good,
○■ たぶんお金が落ち いないかを見... Perhaps you think that you looked, whether the money has not fallen at,
○■ そういえば記録的 猛暑といわれ... So if you said, the last year when it was called record severe heat entering in October, passed sufficiently with the halflength sleeve, but there is no thing which “summer observes day” in November, you understand how it was unusual,
○■ 今日は晴天となら 雲の多い天気... Today does not become the fair weather and the weather where the cloud is many was with as for prefectural south area as for air temperature rising, they were hot 1 days
○■ [buroguneta]: When the wi nter it is hot, summer is cold, either one the ear? As for participation Nakamoto sentence from here, a liberal translation
○■ 今月、アメリカ中 大西洋岸を... This month, as for the heavy snowfall which attacks the American center Atlantic Ocean bank, the amount of snow cover reached to 70 centimeters at area of part, you say that city function was paralysed at many metropoles of the Tokai bank which includes capital city Washington d.c.
○■ 1・1(土)山陰地 方などは... 1.1 (The earth) mountain shade district and the like does not have a power failure with the heavy snowfall, the streetcar and the car without moving, furthermore serious it seems that becomes New Year's Day, but, Kanto being calm, to live is the easily good place without either the snow falling rarely,
○■ 雪下ろし や何やで 若者が豪雪... The snow lowering and with something and the young person has done volunteer activity with heavy snowfall zone
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