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○■ 道路も日陰以外は は残ってい... The road other than the shade the snow does not remain and, it dried, a liberal translation
○■ Going and returning insid e Niigata prefecture are not to fall altogether in the snow, but when the way back, it passes through the Seki surpassing tunnel and goes into Gunma prefecture you fell in the snow
○■ 本当に、外国人観 客が多いで... Being truly, the foreign sightseer many, the shank [e] ~! You were surprised
○■ 昨日大晦日の往路 、市街地を... As for the outward trip of yesterday New Year's Eve, passing through the urban district, when it enters into the mountain path, there being a snow immediately, all the course gliding ok states, a liberal translation
○■ You wrote also yesterday with the article, but “mild winter”, it isn't to have deviated from the forecast of beginning largely to about the earlier December of last year?
○■ 昨年は26年振りの 雪になり... Last year it became the heavy snowfall of 26 year inclination, the snow exceeded the highest 3m, a liberal translation
○■ もう品薄で色は、 ぐらいしか... Already, as for color, about only black it remains from shortage of goods, but with the home appliance and lining up for 12800 Yen, the [ru]!, a liberal translation
○■ にほんブログ村 雪 はやはりワ... Don't you think? as for the Japanese [burogu] village snow for after all one densely attractive, in such a me the [pochi] [tsu] the [e
○■ So that you thought wheth er the ^^ which the point it slipped and the [se] somehow the waiting of the ♪ set which probably will be completed was long, is, but could be enjoyed it probably will that way return, but tomorrow is applied etc discount seems, a liberal translation
○■ そんな青森は当時 銭湯」が、... Such an Aomori at that time “the bathhouse”,
○■ しかし値段が落ち せんね・・... But don't you think? price does not fall,…
○■ Well well, this year bein g foolish, according to of Koike's of the monad prediction Japan Seaboard is visited in the record heavy snow
○■ これもまた近い い つでも日帰... This and with anytime it is close go with returning on the same day may, is
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