- As for solution of politics and gold modification of system?
http://blog.livedoor.jp/hajime7801/archives/51860631.html It is the case that Ichiro Ozawa judgment starts promptly with suspicion of untrue statement of political financial readjustment method violation Pour une communication multilingue a ete traduit en plusieurs langues presente phrases japonaises.
- opinion piece , evaluation / appreciation , suggestions, discussion, debate, issues, reviews, thoughts, feedback,
http://dc800eb.blog77.fc2.com/blog-entry-3034.html Ozawa democracy original representation: To governmental 倫 making clear summons denial reply present transmission, the prime minister conversation (everyday the newspaper) (from the article part quotation) as for Ozawa Ichiro original representation of the Democratic party which refrains from forcing prosecution in the political financial readjustment method violation incident on the 17th, the House of Representatives political ethical examination meeting (governmental 倫 making clear) conveys the intention where with attendance problem denies attendance in Secretary General Katuya Okada to Okada in the document, a liberal translation Pour une communication multilingue a ete traduit en plusieurs langues presente phrases japonaises.
- Ozawa forcing prosecution
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/sasamuraailand/e/cc0e3e7852cecc622d4f881845bab117 Tokyo 5th inquest of prosecution meeting, examined “prosecution suitable” Pour une communication multilingue a ete traduit en plusieurs langues presente phrases japonaises.
- To democracy Ozawa forcing prosecution inquest of prosecution meeting resolution
http://blogs.yahoo.co.jp/jmfmg792/32417543.html We assume that Ozawa in the political financial readjustment method violation incident which is related to the land purchase of the financial management group “land mountain meeting” of Ichiro Democratic party former Secretary General, Tokyo 5th inquest of prosecution meeting on the 4th, should prosecute Ozawa with untrue statement of the political financial income and outgo report of 04 and 05 years, “prosecution resolution” was published Pour une communication multilingue a ete traduit en plusieurs langues presente phrases japonaises.
- Forcing prosecution
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/tatsukichi_2007/e/d618a3146e6c6b0e3aab6871b1510c3a Ichiro Ozawa: With financial group problem of original Democratic party representation inquest of prosecution meeting made prosecution resolution with political financial readjustment method violation Pour une communication multilingue a ete traduit en plusieurs langues presente phrases japonaises.
Force charged with, Reportage, Politics ,