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○■ さらに言葉はとも く、目が虚ろ... Furthermore as for word anyhow, those where the eye becomes the emptiness [ro] become matter of concern, a liberal translation
○■ Well, as for the Itoigawa area which is close to Toyama prefecture, as for warning it has come out, but the rain had been completed para para with
○■ お時間のある方は ひおこしくだ... Please cause the one which has time by all means
○■ They are after the [tsu] [te] several years which clearing snow away runs to the main lane? As for the main lane yesterday rushingly it is like is with the wind, but now morning the diamond rushingly now morning however certainly it was terrible, with the snow whose Uozu and Itoigawa are terrible even excessively, seems like the snow which is a match to 1 meters in the heavy snow
○■ ご存知だとは思い すけど、「糸... However you know you think, “Itoigawa” writing, “it is and the question reads the [wa]”
○■ 7/25、糸魚川市のビ ーチ... 7/25, beach hole [ma] of Itoigawa city with cartridge 1f hole “father love! With parent and child playing [bo]! Summer vacation! Parent and child de challenge '[te] [te] picture book lecture'” (sponsorship: Itoigawa city, the person Nagawa youth chamber, private nursery school guardian liaison conference) with the long ~ which says it was and could point to the event of title, a liberal translation
○■ When you look at the nimb us radar, in the Noto peninsula the nimbus… When the rain falls, whether the escape it will do from as3, that planning
○■ Truth when the rainy orna ment mountain is visible in the back, is to be the point of limitation, but… please permit with the general color which likes the vehicle
○■ 昨日の記事から続 …... From article of yesterday continuation…, a liberal translation
○■ Those which are called th e backbone of the hammer saw which is kept in Niigata prefecture Ojiya city, a liberal translation
○■ 平岩~小滝間の鎌 トンネル付... It is the point near the Kamakura tunnel between the Hiraiwa ~ small cascade
○■ 場所は小滝駅付近 定番ポイン... The place is the fixed turn point near the small cascade station, a liberal translation
○■ Because during morning th e cloud was many, regrettable you could not infer the circumstances of the fresh snow, completely dissolved in the noon
○■ 先週の土曜日はち っとお出か... Saturday of last week just a little we went out
○■ There was an operational competition meeting of the workplace by the train of the Itoigawa going of present off duty
○■ 今年は50kmコースが 新設さ... This year 50km course being newly founded, from 1st aid with the guide staff and this course participant everyone it descends to the sea, there is a shoreline 'the 汐 road [bu] how the [bu] how eating at will it probably will put out with garden aid', is
○■ Fossa Magna thickness rea ches the underground approximately 6,000 (the plain section) ~9,000m (the mountain region), a liberal translation
○■ そこで頑張れるか うかにおい... Then whether or not it can persevere, whether or not we would like to be in the place where you said to the air in, but, a liberal translation
○■ 「静的な足湯」 と 「動的な... The “static foot hot water” and the “dynamic foot hot water” is, a liberal translation
○■ To up-to-date article typ hoon heaven 狗 bridge “of diary” category from morning tomorrow September 1st September August 30th, a liberal translation
○■ 「日記」カテゴリ 最新記事... Fall of up-to-date article appetite “of diary” category the [bu] of the colleague and coming now morning kana and gf Itoigawa which road surface wet October start how are done, a liberal translation
○■ 今日(19日)か 連休最終日... Today (19 days) from to 23 days of consecutive holiday last day, it is sold with 2000 limitations, from Itoigawa ticket to south Kotani
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