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○■ 「へぇ、知ってる だ?」... “To the [e], knowing, the [ru] it is?”
○■ “Never ......!” Unint entionally insecurity and the confusion which are not even in the nook of the head, swell up at a stroke to several minutes ago
○■ 「に、にゃー」
猫…?な... “[ya] -” “cat…? Why in this kind of place the cat…?”
○■ q7 二重人格or記憶 失... q7 split personality or amnesia a7 split personality, a liberal translation
○■ When q8 large milk or poo r milk a8 poor milk year you take, the large milk hangs and, the shoulder it is dense the [ru], the q9 widow or [yanmama] a9 human wife is outside the defense range, it is!
○■ q2 僕と会話してく ますか... You converse with q2 me? a2 we ask may -, a liberal translation
○■ q19 senior or junior a19 it goes round to the good senior and would like to meet q20 happy or non expression a20 non expression, a liberal translation
○■ q13 眼帯or包帯 a13... q13 eye band or bandage a13 eye band inner part state head Date Masamune! q14 twin tail or ponytail a14 [poni] [] or [] [wa] [] is good, but - the favorite also q15 pink hair or green hair a15 green it is lover! It is lovely!
○■ Although q11 it is lovely , although strong or [katsukoii] because the weak a11 gap is the favorite food, both it depends tasty on www q12 brain group or physical strength group a12 [kiyara, a liberal translation
○■ older
オッドアイで 秘... With the older odd eye secret secret principles are good 厨 even in two illnesses
○■ 雨宮は確か…ハニ ミだった... As for Amamiya certain…The husband who is [hanikami, a liberal translation
○■ When the odd eye is produ ced, the feather growing one more, when bewitchment increases above time somehow the ^^ which has… [tsu] [te] setting; ; ; ; ; By the way already one stage changing, when finally the feather becomes 6 somehow… - -; ; ;, a liberal translation
○■ そして、気になっ いた黄色のお... And, yellow of clearing reached with the yellow eye [me] blue which had become matter of concern similarly, the ♪, a liberal translation
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